
 Art & Photography

Art & Photography

This series will attempt to link the research subjects of art history and photography in the respective publications with empirical data. In this way, the "publication" itself is conceived as multimedia. The image database of a museum or a private art collection, a catalogue raisonné or even the "blog" with relevant content are linking materials that not only enrich the texts and images in the series and allow for in-depth study. It is about much more. Namely, it is about further research. The open access concept of this publication series therefore makes it possible to keep the path from knowledge to thought alive and in global exchange.



Chemnitzer Schriften zu Kunst und Kultur

The focus of the academic publication series of the Chemnitz Art Collections is on the art and culture of the city and region as well as topics related to the Chemnitz collections and especially the art collections. Monographic studies as well as source editions and conference volumes are published independently of exhibition catalogues with the aim of deepening knowledge of the city's art, culture and history and making it accessible to a wider European professional audience.

 Beiträge zur Museologie

Beiträge zur Museologie

The series brings together analytical essays as well as examples from practice and thus offers diverse perspectives on museum work. The contributions have mostly been presented and put up for discussion at national and international annual conferences of ICOM Germany.
Contributions to Museology" is aimed at experienced museum scholars and practitioners as well as those just starting out in the profession who wish to expand their knowledge of the core museum tasks of collecting, preserving, exhibiting and researching. Students of museum studies gain a good insight into professional practice.

 Computing in Art and Architecture

Computing in Art and Architecture

The book series Computing in Art and Architecture deals with the use and potential of digital research tools as well as with the challenges of a digitally-oriented methodology in the object-related fields of archaeology, architecture and art history. It is a joint initiative of the Working Group Digital Art History and the Working Group Digital Reconstruction at the Association for Digital Humanities in the German-speaking Areas (DHd), registered association.

 Dissertationen der Staatlichen Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

Dissertationen der Staatlichen Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe

As art school committed to scientific and artistic research in the potential spaces of art, science and technologies, the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design offers a wide range of doctoral research projects. Communication Design, Product Design, Media Art, Exhibition Design and Scenography, Art Studies and Media Philosophy are being taught and practiced as an open, transdisciplinary approach. The dissertations published here are results of this openness as well as invitations to further develop it.

 EVA Berlin

EVA Berlin

Die EVA-Konferenzen sind ein internationales Forum für Anwender, Entwickler und Vermittler elektronischer Dokumentations- und Kommunikationstechniken im Kulturbereich. Der Schwerpunkt der Berliner EVA-Konferenzen liegt auf aktuellen, praxisnahen und technologisch avancierten Projekten. Konferenz, Workshop und begleitende Ausstellung präsentieren erfolgreiche Umsetzungen und innovative Ansätze. Neue technische Potentiale des netzbasierten Informationsaustauschs, der elektronischen Dokumentation und der digitalen Reproduktion werden ebenso thematisiert wie die methodische Orientierung oder Lizensierungsfragen.



Text- und Bildquellen zur Kunstgeschichte 1350-1750

FONTES provides annotated full-text versions and image documents on early modern discussions of art and artifacts in the broadest sense.



The series covers both conceptual and empirically grounded contributions to heritage studies and related fields, including cultural policy.



The HYBRIDS book series publishes contributions from all disciplines that deal with transgressive forms and themes in art and the visual world. The series is published simultaneously as a hybrid print-on-demand and online edition.



The publication series KUNSTmaterial presents scientific results that the Art Technology Department of the Swiss Institute of Art Studies (SIK-ISEA) has produced within the framework of research projects alone or in scientific exchange with other disciplines, institutions and specialists.

 Kunstrecht kompakt

Kunstrecht kompakt

The book series „Kunstrecht kompakt“ includes practical manuals from different fields of art law. It is addressed to various actors within the art market - artists, collectors, gallerists, art dealers, art brokers, auctioneers, curators, museum professionals, publicists and lawyers that deal with art in their daily business. The series enables quick access to all relevant topics and provides solutions to problematic cases regarding art law.



LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects) is an XML schema for providing metadata about cultural objects in a variety of digital contexts. All LIDO manuals have been developed along art historical object genres and provide valuable hints for a detailed and coherently structured description of artworks in local collection management systems. In addition, they contain numerous tips on how to prepare data in such a way that it can be re-used by third parties in the best possible way.



In a concise, attractive format, this series from the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) presents themes, positions and trends in current research into the history and scientific analysis of art. It features conference papers and specially commissioned studies and targets both the scientific community and a broader audience interested in art history, contemporary art and art theory.

 PALATIUM e-Publications

PALATIUM e-Publications

PALATIUM: Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1400–1700) is a Research Network founded in 2010 that aims at creating a common ground for research on the late medieval and early modern European court residence or “palace” (palatium) with an interdisciplinary perspective in mind. Through its methodological workshops, PALATIUM meant to attract specialists in court studies (historians, art historians) ready to work with architectural historians in an interdisciplinary perspective, and to help develop new methods or tools, with the specific aim of developing user-friendly ways of presenting the research in this field to the larger community.

 Passages online

Passages online

The series Passages online of the German Forum for Art History in Paris, presents collections originating from the DFK Paris, as well as art history documents and congress papers, in particular the proceedings of annual meetings.  Thus an international public has access to the research achievements of scholarship holders, research groups and co-operation partners.

La collection Passages online du Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art Paris présente les ouvrages collectifs parus au DFK Paris, sommes de documentation en histoire de l’art et actes de colloques, en particulier ceux du congrès annuel.  Elle met ainsi le travail de boursiers, groupes de recherche et autres partenaires à disposition d’un public international.

Related research data on

 Schriften zur Geschichte der Berliner Museen

Schriften zur Geschichte der Berliner Museen

The scientific publication series of the Zentralarchiv of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin offers a platform for research on the history of the former Royal Museums (Königliche Museen), now Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Thematic anthologies, monographs and editions of archival sources are published here.

 Studien zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte am Oberrhein

Studien zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte am Oberrhein

The series deals with individual objects and entire ensembles relevant to art and cultural history, primarily from the Middle Ages and the early modern period in the Upper Rhine region, including the neighbouring landscapes. The research covers a wide range of genres, including handicrafts such as goldsmith's art and treasury objects, as well as sculptures, altarpieces, works of paper and other objects. The aim is to explore the research objects in greater depth and to situate them more concretely in their cultural and art-historical context.

 Stuttgarter Akademieschriften

Stuttgarter Akademieschriften

The "Stuttgarter Akademieschriften" are a series of publications of the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart. Dissertations that have been completed with distinction are published in this series.

 Terrain. Studies on Topographic Visual Media

Terrain. Studies on Topographic Visual Media

Terrain. Studies on Topographic Visual Media is published by the Network Topographic Visual Media (NTB), founded in 2020. The series provides a forum for research contributions that deal with the visual representation of topographic spaces in their various manifestations and contexts. Different disciplinary perspectives are included, as well as topics of research that span regions, epochs, and genres. The focus of the contributions lies on material-related studies.

 Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V.

Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V.

Since the 1970s the Working Group has been dedicated to the exchange of ideas and experience on the theory and teaching of heritage conservation among colleagues at institutions of higher education.

 Veröffentlichungen des Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salons

Veröffentlichungen des Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salons

Forschungsstelle Dresden

The first volume of the Veröffentlichungen des Mathematisch-Physikalischen Salons of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden was published in 1960. The content of publication reflects the collection of the museum and the research institute.

 Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerks Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen

Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerks Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen

This book series collects the results of the annual conferences of the Network for Provenance Research in Lower Saxony, as well as chosen academic contributions of its members and partners.