How to Cite

Ottati, Adalberto and Vinci, Maria Serena (Eds.): From the Quarry to the Monument. The Process behind the Process: Design and Organization of the Work in Ancient Architecture: Panel 4.3, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2021 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 26).


ISBN 978-3-948465-29-2 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948465-30-8 (Softcover)




Adalberto Ottati (Ed.), Maria Serena Vinci (Ed.)

From the Quarry to the Monument. The Process behind the Process: Design and Organization of the Work in Ancient Architecture

Panel 4.3

In the complex economic and constructive system of the erection of a building, the planning and organizational aspects of the work represent the first fundamental steps towards reaching a satisfactory final product. Skilled workers are a crucial element of this process, as they have the technical knowledge of the quarrying and building processes that guarantee a successful outcome at the building site (cantiere di costruzione).

This volume aims to explore ancient construction, working procedures and the transmission of technical expertise by skilled workers. Covering different chronological ranges and geographical areas, it focuses on two main subjects: quarry marks or notae lapicidinarum and carving lines for planning architecture and artefacts. They are two aspects of the three-dimensional materialization of the plan and the organizational processes within the building activities. Quarry and mason’s marks are a kind of building material ‘tracking code’ from the extraction point to its final placement. The carving lines represent guidelines useful for the building’s planning and the positioning of stone and marble elements. This volume is a first attempt at contributing with original and innovative thought on the networking of workshops, linking quarrying and building activities in ancient world.


Adalberto Ottati is postdoctoral researcher at Trinity College Dublin. He trained in Classical Archaeology and specialised in Roman construction techniques and technology with a particular focus on Hadrianic architecture.

Maria Serena Vinci is postdoctoral researcher at Institut AUSONIUS, CNRS-Université Bordeaux Montaigne. She trained in Classical Archaeology and specialised in Roman construction and architecture with a particular focus on Roman Hispania.


Table of Contents
Martin Bentz, Michael Heinzelmann
Adalberto Ottati, Maria Serena Vinci
The Process behind the Process: Design and Organization of the Work in Ancient Architecture. Introduzione
Maria Serena Vinci
Some Remarks on signa lapicidinarum from the Roman Quarry El Mèdol (Tarraco, Hispania Citerior)
Milagros Navarro Caballero, Angeles Magallón Botaya, Paula Uribe
Begoña Soler Huertas
Clasificación y Significado en Época Romana
Maria Serena Vinci, Adalberto Ottati
