How to Cite
Walter Grasskamp. Ein Engel verschwindet
Künstlerportraits aus vierzig Jahren
This volume commemorates the awarding of the AICA Prize for a Distinguished Contribution to Art Criticism to Walter Grasskamp.
Under the poetic and mysterious title The Angel Vanishes, Grasskamp has collected nineteen monographic portraits of artists – written between 1979 and 2019 – which appear here in chronological order. The anthology focuses on the work of artists with whom he has been associated over a longer period of time and has written about on several occasions, including Hans Haacke, Sigmar Polke, and Gerhard Richter. In addition to these are artists such as Markus Raetz, Aldo Walker, Axel Kasseböhmer, and Ben Willikens, who have drawn attention to themselves with their idiosyncratic works. This is followed by Grasskamp’s detailed reflections on the ‘art market hangover’, in which he discusses the changing role of art criticism.