Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel (CMS)


The “Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel” (CMS) is a long-term project aiming to systematically documentat and publicsh all known Aegean seals and sealings in a consistent manner.

The project was established and carried out in Marburg from 1958 to 2011 under the direction of Friedrich Matz (1958-1974), Ingo Pini (1975-2002) and Walter Müller (2003-2011) and through the generous support of the Mainz Academy of Science and Literature. In December 2011, it was moved from Marburg to its new home, the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Heidelberg under the supervision of Diamantis Panagiotopoulos and Maria Anastasiadou.

The CMS currently consists of the CMS Archive, the CMS Volumes, and the CMS Databases.

All volumes for sale are available here.


Ingo Pini (Ed.), Jean-Claude Poursat (Ed.)
Henri van Effenterre, Micheline van Effenterre
Victor Ernest Glenoce Kenna, Eberhard Thomas
John H. Betts, Margaret A.V. Gill, Dietrich Sürenhagen, Hartmut Waetzoldt
Giannēs A. Sakellarakēs, Victor Ernest Glenoce Kenna
Friedrich Matz (Ed.), Ingo Pini (Ed.), Nikolaos Platon
Ingo Pini, Margaret A.V. Gill, Walter Müller
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Institut für Klassische Archäologie
Marstallhof 4
D-69117 Heidelberg

Prof. Dr. Diamantis Panagiotopoulos
Tel.: +49 6221 54 2511
E-Mail: diamantis.panagiotopoulos@

Dr. Maria Anastasiadou
E-Mail: maria.anastasiadou@zaw.uni‐

Internet: Homepage