Guttandin, Thomas et al.: Schiffe und ihr Kontext: Darstellungen, Modelle, Bestandteile – von der Bronzezeit bis zum Ende des Byzantinischen Reiches, edited by Heide Frielinghaus, Thomas Schmidts and Vasiliki Tsamakda, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2018 (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident, Volume 5).
Seafaring was extraordinary important in Antiquity and the Middle Ages for the economy and the wielding of power. It also provided contact between distant places. Ships were on the one hand decorated and ornamented and on the other hand they were frequently objects of depictions which could range from sketchy graffiti to three-dimensional reproductions. The contexts of the depictions encompass different areas, such as public and private representation as well as religion. This Volume assembles 18 articles that have been presented on the occasion of an international workshop in 2013. Different groups of material ranging from the period of Bronze Age until the end of the Byzantine Empire were presented as well as the development of ship-building and navigation. The depictions of ships which have investigated scanty until now were the main target of the workshop.
Media coverage
"Die Schifffahrt ist ein Ausdruck entwickelter Kulturen und bis heute im privaten wie auch im wirtschaftlichen und militärischen Bereich von zentraler Bedeutung - dies schon in der Antike, der Spätantike als auch im Mittelalter, den Zeitepochen, welche die 18 Beiträge dieses Werks abdecken. "