How to Cite

Held, Benjamin et al. (Eds.): Digitalisierung: Neue Technik – neue Ethik: Interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit den Folgen der digitalen Transformation, Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2021 (FEST Forschung, Volume 1).


ISBN 978-3-948083-46-5 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948083-47-2 (Softcover)




Benjamin Held (Ed.), Frederike van Oorschot (Ed.)

Digitalisierung: Neue Technik – neue Ethik

Interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung mit den Folgen der digitalen Transformation

New Technologies - new Ethics? The volume, produced in interdisciplinary research at FEST, discusses what is "new" in and through digital technologies in different fields of science and society: What is truly new? Do novel objects, tools, forms of perception, means of cognition, questions, actors, and/or forms of communication emerge? Is something "new" recognizable or do existing questions continue in other medial forms?

The contributions are linked to one another by lines of arguments and fields, which - similar to hashtags - weave together individual statements into threads and thus enable mapping the debate around different concepts or phenomena. Throughout the volume, one can follow these threads:

- #predictability #surveillance #control #freedom #democracy

- #media change #perception #hermeneutics

- #anthropology #ethics #theology

This volume contributes to the necessary debate about the ethical shaping of the digital transformation and wants to stimulate further reflection, research, and discussion about new technologies and new ethics in the context of digitalization.

Benjamin Held, Dr. rer. pol, Dipl.-Volkswirt, is head of the department "Sustainable Development" at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (FEST). His research focuses on the development and application of welfare measures and sustainability indicators at different spatial levels, the calculation and socially acceptable internalization of external (environmental) costs of consumption, and the impact of digitalization on a socio-ecological transformation.

Frederike van Oorschot, PD Dr. theol., is protestant theologian and and head of the department "Religion, Law and Culture" at the Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (FEST). Her research focuses on public theology, digital theology, and theological hermeneutics. She is lecturer for systematic theology at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, co-editor of the theological online journal "Cursor_Zeitschrift für explorative Theologie" ( and member of the executive team of the interdisciplinary research network on digital humanities and theology "TheoLab. Forschungsverbund Digitale Theologie Heidelberg" (

Media coverage

Hendrik Klinge, "Theologie als Hashtag. Neuere Sammelbände zum Verhältnis von Theologie, Ethik, Künstlicher Intelligenz und Digitalisierung", in: Ethik und Gesellschaft 1/2022.
