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Veränderungen von Stadtbild und urbaner Lebenswelt in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit
Assos im Spiegel städtischer Zentren Westkleinasiens
The transformation and restructuring of the ancient city in Asia Minor in the Late Antique and Early Byzantine periods has become a central topic of archaeological and historical research in recent decades. The contributions to this volume present an extremely differentiated picture of the development of cities and their surrounding areas during this period. An ideal starting point for this is the city of Assos on the southern coast of the Troad, where the transformation of the ancient city from the 4th to the 8th century has been the focus of research since 2013. The picture gained there is placed in a broader context in the present volume by contributions on Pergamon, Sardis, Ephesos, Didyma and Sagalassos, which shed light on the development process of the Late Antique and Early Byzantine cities of Western Asia Minor in very different ways from various aspects.