How to Cite

Archut , Stefanie and Schrenk, Sabine (Eds.): Variatio in Kunst und Handwerk: Modulare Arbeitsweisen in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2022.


ISBN 978-3-96929-147-4 (PDF)




Stefanie Archut (Ed.), Sabine Schrenk (Ed.)

Variatio in Kunst und Handwerk

Modulare Arbeitsweisen in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit

In the arts and crafts of the first millennium AD work was carried out in some extent with prefabrications and templates; one experimented with motifs. The workshops assembled individual parts "as if from a construction kit", sometimes according to a strict design, sometimes in a playful manner. The present contributions are the first to examine this "modular way of working" and the various aspects it influences in a comprehensive way and thus make evident: modular working is proving to be an essential motor for cultural development. These are the results of a project carried out mainly by students and doctoral candidates with funding from the VolkswagenStiftung in the research and teaching project of "Poolforschung" at the Department of Christian Archaeology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

Stefanie Archut studied Christian archaeology in Halle, Bonn and Rome. In her current position as research assistant at the Department of Christian Archaeology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, she is, amongst other things, responsible for coordinating the pool research project "Modular Systems in Late Antiquity". In addition to investigating variatio and modularity as design principles in the art and crafts of Late Antiquity, in her PhD project she is researching Late Antique and Early Byzantine stucco decoration as interior luxury.

Sabine Schrenk studied Christian Archaeology and Classical Archaeology in Freiburg and Bonn. She has held positions at the Kölner Bodendenkmalpflege (Cologne Department for the Preservation of Archaeological Monuments), the Franz Joseph Dölger-Institute in Bonn, the Abegg Stiftung in Riggisberg/Switzerland and headed the corresponding department at the University of Bonn as Professor of Christian Archaeology until 2020. She is currently involved in projects in Milan (processing the textile relics in Sant'Ambrogio) and Elusa/Israel (excavation of the early Christian churches of this city, in cooperation with a project by Michael Heinzelmann, Classical Archaeology, University of Cologne) as well as work on a "Pictorial Atlas of Late Antique Clothing" (with Konrad Vössing, Ancient History, University of Bonn). Her special fields include pictorial research as well as mosaics and fabrics of the late antique to early Byzantine period.


Table of Contents
Sabine Schrenk, Stefanie Archut
Modulare Arbeitsweise in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit. Einführung
Sarah Fahldieck
Ein Beispiel für eine modulare Bildkomposition
Magdalena Krampe
Modularität in der technischen Fertigung frühbyzantinischer Wand- und Gewölbemosaike
Freyja Droste zu Vischering und Padtberg
Prozesse einer Standardisierung der Kanontafeln
Florian Oppitz
Der Aufschwung von geometrischen opus sectile-Böden in der Spätantike am Beispiel von Ephesos
Stefanie Archut
Überlegungen zu spätantikem Stuckdekor
Henry Maguire
the Concentric Circles Motif
Lara L. Mührenberg
Zur Bedeutung von modularer Produktion für die Transformation spätantiker Männlichkeitskonstruktionen
Prolet Decheva
Überlegungen zum Stifter des Megalopsychia-Mosaiks aus Yakto
Theresa Zischkin
Das Fallbeispiel des Fußbodenmosaiks der Stephanskirche (Umm ar-Rasas)
Stefan Jürgens
Modulare Nutzung von Spolienkapitellen in Rom
Estera M. Golian
Auswirkungen, Modularität, Wiederverwertung
Corinna Mairhanser
Vorhänge als Mittel der modularen Raumkonstruktion in spätantiken Kirchenbauten
