How to Cite

Castor, Markus A., Schieder, Martin and Windorf, Wiebke (Eds.): Entre croyance aux miracle et iconoclasme: L’espace sacré en France au XVIIIe siècle, Heidelberg:, 2024 (Passages online, Volume 18).


ISBN 978-3-98501-076-9 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-077-6 (Hardcover)




Markus A. Castor (Ed.), Martin Schieder (Ed.), Wiebke Windorf (Ed.)

Entre croyance aux miracle et iconoclasme

L’espace sacré en France au XVIIIe siècle

This conference volume examines the evidence, religious experiences and aesthetic transformations of sacred space in the Age of Enlightenment from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective. To what extent should we understand the church in the 18th century not only as a sacred space, but also as a place that attracts believers and tourists, clergy and artists, nobles and citizens, men and women alike, and at the same time has a social, aesthetic and emotional dimension? How can we explain the fundamental secularisation and the dissolution of boundaries that affected the sacred space between the death of Louis XIV and the French Revolution? How is the question of the credibility of transcendence dealt with in the age of the emerging natural sciences, encyclopaedias and the progress of knowledge in art? Against the background of the confrontation between criticism of the church and absolutism, atheism, demystification of the religious and plausible reactualisation of the spiritual, (syn)aesthetic concepts of sacred spaces are of particular relevance. Not only integrated into art-theoretical discourses, they are a tangible expression of the continuous readjustment of Enlightenment society.

Markus A. Castor studied art history, philosophy and classical archaeology. After teaching and research at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br. and the Technische Universität Dresden, he has been Directeur de Recherche at the German Forum for Art History Paris since 2006 with a focus on the visual and architectural arts of the Ancien Regime.

Martin Schieder teaches and researches as a professor of modern and contemporary art at the University of Leipzig. After studying classical archaeology, history and art history in Heidelberg and Berlin, he wrote his doctorate on "Jenseits der Aufklärung. Religious painting in the late Ancien Régime". His habilitation "Im Blick des anderen. Franco-German Art Relations, 1945-1959" was awarded the 2005 Franco-German Parliamentary Prize by the German Bundestag and the Assemblée Nationale.

Wiebke Windorf is Professor of Modern Art History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. She habilitated with a thesis on the royal funerary monument as a site of discourse in the Enlightenment. Since 2021, she has headed the DFG project "Sculpture and the Sacred: Sculptural Reconceptions of Religious Spaces of Visuality in Paris during the Transition to the Modern Period (1700 to ca. 1850)" and is involved with a project on German religious sculpture around 1800 in the interdisciplinary DFG network "Religious Plurality. The Perception of Religious Differentiation as Reflected in the Arts, Theologies and Society of the 'Long 19th Century'".


Table of Contents
Markus A. Castor, Martin Schieder, Wiebke Windorf
L’espace sacré en France au XVIIIe siècle
L’espace sacré et son public
Hannah Williams
L’art religieux et l’espace sacré dans le Paris des Lumières
Martin Schieder
La restauration de la peinture religieuse à la fin de l’Ancien Régime
Hans Körner
Valeur matérielle, valeur artistique et prestige religieux
Étienne Jollet
Des colosses dans et devant Notre-Dame de Paris au XVIIIe siècle
Transformations de l’espace sacré
Mathieu Lours
De l’érudition gallicane à l’« architecture parlante »
Émilie Chedeville
Le cas de Saint-Jean-en-Grève
Markus A. Castor
Reconfigurer le Moyen Âge et éclairer Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois sous l’Ancien Régime (1756)
Wiebke Windorf
La cathédrale de Sens, ou comment animer l’architecture gothique
Sébastien Bontemps
De l’Église du culte catholique au Temple de la Raison
Crédits photographiques
