RGZM – Tagungen

RGZM – Tagungen

The volumes of this publication series are dedicated to current papers from conferences or workshops which were organized by the Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum (RGZM) or in whose organization the RGZM was involved. Some volumes were published in Open Access and as a printed book in parallel.

Weitere Publikationen des Römisch-Germanischen Nationalmuseums

Nur online erschienen ist der Band (ohne Nummer):
Sustainable Documentation in Archaeology. Technological Perspectives in Excavation an Processing (2014)

Zusätzlich zum gedruckten Buch ist bereits erhältlich (ohne Nummer):
Wissen für die Gesellschaft

Bibliographic details



Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie
Ludwig-Lindenschmit-Forum 1
D-55116 Mainz

Tel.: +49 6131 8885 0
E-mail: verlag@rgzm.de

ISSN (online): 2698-9069

Published so far

Azzurra Scarci (Ed.), Raimon Graells i Fabregat (Ed.), Fausto Longo (Ed.)

Armi votive in Sicilia: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Siracusa Palazzolo Acreide 12-13 Novembre 2021

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 48

This volume collects the contributions presented at the conference »Armi votive in Sicilia«, held in Syracuse (Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi) and in Palazzolo Acreide (Town Hall) in November 2021.
This volume continues the project started with the conference »Armi votive in Magna Grecia« (Salerno-Paestum 2017), constituting a "second instalment" and taking up the same formula in combining an ambitious historical-archaeological analysis of the weapons offering in a diachronic and intercultural key.
Fifteen contributions that mark a turning point for the knowledge of the island, for a better understanding of the variability and complexity of this particular votive practice that underlines the role of war in antiquity. The volume also contains a reflection that goes beyond the island and synthesises a way of studying a complex repertoire (votive weapons and weapons in votive context) and indicates the challenges that research will have to face in the immediate future. In this collection the reader will find contributions from which to continue building the discourse on the dedication of weapons in Sicily and the ancient Mediterranean.

Thomas Schmidts (Ed.), Ioannis Triantafillidis (Ed.)

Mare Thracium: Archaeology and History of Coastal Landscapes and Islands of the Thracian Sea during Antiquity and the Byzantine Era. International Workshop within the Framework of the DFG Project »The Thracian harbour city Ainos in Roman and Byzantine times – the development of a traffic hub in a changing environment«

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 47

Despite its peripheral location, the Mare Thracium was an integral part of the Mediterranean world. The wealth of its resources and the rivers connecting to the Thracian hinterland were of great importance. Numerous harbour cities contributed significantly to the development of the region from the Archaic to the Byzantine period and even beyond.
The contributions in this volume originated from a workshop held in Mainz in 2016 as part of the DFG Priority Programme (SPP 1630)  »Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages«. They deal with the natural conditions for seafaring, historical developments, the physical remains of coastal settlements and their harbours, and underwater finds.

Michael Dodt (Ed.), Sebastian Messal (Ed.), Bente S. Majchczack (Ed.), Andreas Kronz (Ed.)

Glas als Fernhandelsprodukt im frühen Mittelalter – Köln und der europäische Norden: Zwei Workshops im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms »Häfen von der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter«, ausgerichtet vom Römisch-Germanischen Museum zu Köln, 8.-10. November 2016 und dem Sydvestjyske Museer in Ribe / Dänemark, 20.-22. März 2018

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 46

The Six-Year Priority Programme (SPP) 1630 „Ports from the Roman Imperial Period to the Middle Ages“, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), led to an interdisciplinary and networked cooperation between several project groups – Rhine, North Sea, Baltic Sea and inland ports – with research on early medieval glass finds at ports. External institutions and persons dedicated to research on the production and distribution of glass in the early Middle Ages were also included in the exchange taking place within the priority programme. The cooperation linked different regions: the Frankish Empire and the territories of the Frisians, Saxons, Vikings and Slavs.
Without the SPP, such networked and far-reaching research would not have been possible. The sub-project „The Early Medieval Port of Cologne – Production Site and Export Port for Glass“ with the glass workshops of the Merovingian and Carolingian periods recorded there, which were archaeologically and scientifically evaluated, forms the starting point for research on the early medieval economic history of glass in this volume.
The twelve contributions are based on lectures given at two conferences organised by the Römisch-Germanisches Museum of the City of Cologne (9-10 November 2016) and the Sydvestjyske Museum in Ribe, Denmark (20-22 March 2018).

Matylda Gierszewska-Noszczyńska (Ed.), Lutz Grunwald (Ed.)

Zwischen Machtzentren und Produktionsorten: Wirtschaftsaspekte von der römischen Epoche bis in das Hochmittelalter am Rhein und in seinen Nachbarregionen

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 45

On 12 November 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed in Ingelheim am Rhein between the Kaiserpfalz Research Centre based there and the Roman-Germanic Central Museum, Leibniz Research Institute for Archaeology. With this agreement, the close ties that have existed since the middle of the 19th century between the scientists in Mainz and the researchers of the Imperial Palace in Ingelheim were confirmed in writing. The future cooperation will focus particularly on European economic aspects and topics of supra-regional materials research. The first fruits of this cooperation were presented at interdisciplinary conferences on 12 and 13 November 2018 in Ingelheim and on 28 and 29 November 2019 in Mayen. These events also served as an intensive exchange with scientists from Germany and abroad. The results of both conferences are brought together in this conference volume. In 25 papers, the fundamentals of trade in the Rhineland and its neighbouring regions as well as the processes of the exchange of goods between centres of power, rural regions and production sites in the period from the Roman era to the High Middle Ages are examined from very different perspectives. Both for the large-scale development tendencies and the relationships between different economic regions as well as for the production sites and the marketing routes, the contributions offer trend-setting explanations, fundamental presentations and exceptional descriptions. They form the basis for future research in parts of Europe adjacent to the Rhineland, which is planned within the framework of the cooperation and will be reflected in further conferences.

Dominik Kimmel (Ed.), Stefan Brüggerhoff (Ed.)

Museen – Orte des Authentischen? Museums – Places of Authenticity?

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 42

Museums, but also memorials and cultural heritage sites as well as archives and libraries are the guardians, preservers and labelling institutions of "authentic things" and in many respects at the same time "places of authenticity". Especially against the background of the rapidly developing digital possibilities, they are thus important instances with the claim to preserve and convey the "real" and the "true". This publication provides an insight into the breadth of the discussion on the topos "authenticity" in museums and cultural heritage.
The Volume is based on a series of international conferences of the Leibniz Research Alliance Historical Authenticity, which took place at the Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum in Mainz and at the University of Cambridge between 2016 and 2019. It also takes up the discussion of previous publications of the Research Alliance.
56 Authors describe from the most diverse disciplinary perspectives in 43 comprehensive contributions and on the basis of selected case studies the most diverse dimensions of the examination of the phenomenon "authenticity" in collection, research, conservation, restoration, exhibition, learning and virtual presentation. The "types of museums" covered range from natural history- to technical-, art-, university-, research- and biographical museums. But they also go beyond this by including other collecting institutions such as libraries and archives.
The contributions are written in German or English as well as contain summaries in each of these languages. The publication is also available as Open Access e-publication.


Sonja B. Grimm (Ed.), Ludovic Mevel (Ed.), Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka (Ed.), Mara-Julia Weber (Ed.)

From the Atlantic to Beyond the Bug River: Finding and Defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 40

A session entitled »From the Atlantic to beyond the Bug River– Finding and defining the Federmesser-Gruppen / Azilian on the North European Plain and adjacent areas« was held at the 17th congress of the
Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques in September 2014 in Burgos on behalf
of the U.I.S.P.P. commission »The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia«. In this volume we present some of the contributions to this session that explore different aspects of the behaviour of mid-Lateglacial hunter-gatherer groups in Western and Central Europe as a beginning for comparing the differently defined archaeological  nits. How distinct and / or related were those groups over time and space?

Alejandro García-Moreno (Ed.), Jarod M. Hutson (Ed.), Geoff M. Smith (Ed.), Lutz Kindler (Ed.), Elaine Turner (Ed.), Aritza Villaluenga (Ed.), Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser (Ed.)

Human behavioural adaptations to interglacial lakeshore environments

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 37

During the course of human evolution, we have successfully adapted to various climates and habitats. Interglacial environments, in particular, offer an excellent opportunity to study these adaptations. On the north European plain, interglacials often correlate with the flooding of basins, resulting in the appearance of lacustrine landscapes. These environments exhibit remarkable ecological diversity with highly concentrated and predictable resources. Numerous  archaeological sites from the Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic are preserved in these lacustrine landscapes, providing rich sources of potential data. Many of these archaeological sites are well-known as locations for the procurement and butchering of animals, lithic provisioning, gathering vegetal and collecting aquatic resources by humans. These sites are embedded in wetland deposits with favourable conditions for the preservation of organic and botanical remains and are thus exceptional archives for detailed analyses of human adaptations to changing, dynamic environments. In a diachronous perspective from the Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene, the current anthology collates studies on differing aspects of interglacial archaeological lakeland sites, illustrating human survival strategies under similar environmental conditions through the ages. This volume contributes to a core research theme “Human behavioural strategies in interglacial environments” of the MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution (RGZM) (Neuwied, Germany). The aim of the research is to undertake a holistic and diachronic analysis of survival strategies under similar environmental parameters, in order to document the evolution of hominin subsistence behaviour and to gauge whether certain subsistence adaptations arose in direct response to distinct environmental conditions.

Jarod M. Hutson (Ed.), Alejandro García-Moreno (Ed.), Elisabeth S. Noack (Ed.), Elaine Turner (Ed.), Aritza Villaluenga (Ed.), Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser (Ed.)

The origins of bone tool technologies: "Retouching the Palaeolithic: Becoming Human and the Origins of Bone Tool Technology" Conference at Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover, Germany, 21.- 23. October 2015

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 35

This volume is a collection of papers from the conference titled “Retouching the Palaeolithic: Becoming Human and the Origins of Bone Tool Technology” held in October 2015 at Schloss Herrenhausen in Hannover, Germany. With major funding from the Volkswagen Foundation’s Symposia and Summer School initiative, the conference brought together an international group of scientists from an array of research backgrounds to explore the origins and development of bone tool technologies in prehistory, specifically retouchers, compressors and percussors used in various lithic knapping activities. The diverse conference attendance generated an assortment of perspectives on bone tool use covering western Europe to the Levant, from the Lower Palaeolithic to Neolithic times. Collectively, these papers provide an overview on how the integration of bone tools with other Palaeolithic technologies influenced human subsistence and other socio-economic behaviours over time and space. In the end, this volume is not just about bone tools. Rather, this compilation is intended to stimulate broader ideas on technology and innovation, for the ability and desire to create new tools truly lies at the core of what makes us human. 

Alexandra W. Busch (Ed.), Jochen Griesbach (Ed.), Johannes Lipps (Ed.)

Urbanitas – urbane Qualitäten: Die antike Stadt als kulturelle Selbstverwirklichung

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 33

The sheer unimaginable number of ancient towns allows no doubt about where life in the Classical world pulsated. What exactly the huge attraction of the towns comprised, however, can only be guessed at in the wake of the few comments in the literary sources: Apart from the varied entertainments on offer which the towns could provide, there is always mention of sophistication, whether in the social network or in the design of the material world. But how do such facets of urban culture also reveal themselves archaeologically? The conference proceedings address the question of ancient urbanitas exemplarily from various directions: On the one hand attention is placed on all those architecturally distinguishable installations which allow the recognition of a refined life beyond the economic criteria of utility. On the other hand it is highlighted with which methods towns procured a distinct self-consciousness, which testifies to pride, the desire for prestige and an enduring sense of togetherness. Finally, it also concerns the very simple question of what in the eyes of ancient people makes the town a town. Which urban qualities have to be achieved, so that a local community could claim to be on a par with other towns? The papers collated here, which deal not only with the large centres, but also with towns of various sizes up to the periphery of the Mediterranean world during the time-span of the 7th century B.C. until Late Antiquity, provide different answers. Certainly, there are recognizable patterns and obligatory ideas of standards, but to no lesser extent idiosyncratic solutions and special paths, thanks to which the towns could create a particular image.

Translation: C. Bridger 


Thomas Eser (Ed.), Michael Farrenkopf (Ed.), Dominik Kimmel (Ed.), Achim Saupe (Ed.), Ursula Warnke (Ed.)

Authentisierung im Museum: Ein Werkstatt-Bericht

RGZM – Tagungen, Volume 32