How to Cite

Chronopoulos, Stylianos, Maier, Felix K. and Novokhatko, Anna (Eds.): Digitale Altertumswissenschaften: Thesen und Debatten zu Methoden und Anwendungen, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Digital Classics Books, Volume 4).


ISBN 978-3-947450-91-6 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947450-92-3 (Hardcover)
ISBN 978-3-947450-93-0 (Softcover)




Stylianos Chronopoulos (Ed.), Felix K. Maier (Ed.), Anna Novokhatko (Ed.)

Digitale Altertumswissenschaften:

Thesen und Debatten zu Methoden und Anwendungen

This volume introduces scholars who are not particularly acquainted with recently ongoing developments in Digital Classics to selected crucial problems and debates in the field. The selection enables the readers not only to get an all-around view of the discussed issue but also to get in contact with common main lines of discourses in Digital Classics and Digital Humanities in general. This volume offers discussions on fundamental questions and tendencies (new working methods, digital publishing, teaching and research with the usage of databases and information systems), and a specialized discussion on digital scholarly editions, which serves as an example illustrating general issues on producing and working with digitized and digital sources and material in Classics. Thus, the purpose of this volume is to be a collection of some crucial results that have been achieved, clear tendencies that dominate, envisioned possibilities, and even deadlocks, and become thus a provisory orientation point in the fast changing landscape of institutions, disciplines and methods in (Digital) Classics today.

Stylianos Chronopoulos studied Classical Philology in Athens, Leipzig and Freiburg. Currently he is a research assistant at the Seminar for Greek and Latin Philology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. His research focuses on Greek comedy, lexicography and the production of digital editions. He is a member of the Greek Digital Humanities Network.

Felix K. Maier studied Latin, Greek and history in Freiburg, Eichstätt and Oxford. He was an exchange lecturer at the University of Durham and a visiting scholar in the Department of Classics at Yale University. He currently holds a DFG Heisenberg position at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. In addition to Digital Classics, his research focuses on Greek historiography, ancient conflict studies and imperial representation in late antiquity.

Anna Novokhatko (Seminar for Greek and Latin Philology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br.) does research on the history and terminology of ancient philology, textual criticism and ancient Greek comedy. In her habilitation treatise "Die erste philologische Wende: Textwissenschaft im archaischen und klassischen Griechenland" (forthcoming) she examines the spectrum of approaches in pre-alexandrian philology. Furthermore, Novokhatko deals with the cognitive and conceptual perceptions in ancient metaphors and with methodological and practical changes and developments in the field of Digital Classics.

Media coverage

"Die wachsende Erstellungs- und Benutzerfreundlichkeit von digitalen Tools gibt Philolog:innen und Althistoriker:innen stets neue Möglichkeiten an die Hand, die antiken Sprachen, die antike Literatur und antike historische Kontexte zu erschließen und zu vermitteln."

Isabella Walser-Bürgler, in H-Soz-Kult

"Overall, the volume is a valuable discussion of the current state of digital editions and highlights many important issues we as a discipline must address in the future, both with regard to the epistemic and methodological underpinnings of our research and to the requirements that are needed to make digital tools truly useful for us."

Thomas Leibundgut, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review


Table of Contents
Stylianos Chronopoulos, Felix K. Maier, Anna Novokhatko
Digital Classics – eine Bestandsaufnahme zu fließenden Grenzen
1. Ein digital turn in den Altertumswissenschaften? Grundlegende Überlegungen
Stylianos Chronopoulos, Felix K. Maier, Anna Novokhatko
Charlotte Schubert
Von der Gutenberg-Galaxis in die digitale Welt: Neue Wege und neue Arbeitsmethoden
S. Douglas Olson
Digital Editions: Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between Editor and Reader
Samuel J. Huskey
Scholarly Digital Editions: A Wise Investment for Scholars and Institutions
2. Zwei neue alte Gattungen: praefationes und Rezensionen zu digitalen Editionen
Stylianos Chronopoulos, Felix K. Maier, Anna Novokhatko
Franz Fischer
guillelmus / revisited
Einleitung zur kritisch-digitalen Edition von Wilhelm von Auxerres Summa de officiis ecclesiaticis
Leonardo Costantini
Critical Texts beyond Print Layouts: Review of the Edition of Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis
S. Douglas Olson
Between Two Worlds: Review of the Digital Edition of Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis
Dániel Kiss
Catullus Online: A Digital Critical Edition of the Poems of Catullus with a Repertory of Conjectures
Donald J. Mastronarde
Curated Data for Textual History: Review of Catullus Online
Donald J. Mastronarde
Preface to the Scholia Edition at
Stylianos Chronopoulos
Euripides Scholia: Eine digitale kritische Edition zwischen den Medien
3. Anwendungen von Digitalisierung in den Altertumswissenschaften
Stylianos Chronopoulos, Felix K. Maier, Anna Novokhatko
Andrea Beyer, Konstantin Schulz
CALLIDUS – Korpusbasierte, digitale Wortschatzarbeit im Lateinunterricht
Andreas Hartmann
Datenbanken in der Alten Geschichte: Beobachtungen aus der Alten Welt
Martin Hinze
Die digitale Online-Publikation in den Geisteswissenschaften – ein ungenutztes Potential?
Über die Autoren
