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Kulturpolitik der Rheinischen Provinzialverwaltung 1920 bis 1945
Tagung am 18. und 19. Juni 2018 im LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn
The Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR) is confronting its history - with a view to the Nazi past, this means: The LVR, as the successor to the Rhenish Provincial Association, is asking probing questions about its own past that previous generations did not want to hear. The LVR's cultural department occupies strong research positions: The 2012 conference “Archäologie und Bodendenkmalpflege in der Rheinprovinz 1920–1945“ looked at archeology as a cultural factor and a science of legitimation. One result: the provincial association was not on the sidelines when it came to implementing the regime's cultural policy goals. At the same time, the LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn is conducting provenance research on its collection. It also provided the forum for a conference in 2018 because pressing questions arose: How did the Nazi state's cultural policy prevail in the Rhine Province? Where did the Third Reich's state measures create or maintain structures at the provincial level, and where did networks and careers block each other? The results of the research are available as conference contributions.