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Dauerthal, Wallmow, Klockow, Dreesch, Rosow und Bietikow – verursacherfinanzierte Grabungen mit bandkeramischen Funden und Befunden aus der Uckermark, Brandenburg
By removal more than 1.5 million m2 topsoil in the Uckermark, six sites with Bandceramic features were documented. Two pit-houses provided covered a work-area, functionally used for slaughtering, milk processing and food preparation in cooking ovens. The site Dauerthal yielded 100% domesticated animals, which were slaughtered on the site, with skin processing into leather. The absence of certain body parts (skulls without lower jaws / bones associated with best cuts of meat) is interpreted, even religious motivated actions being discussed. Unexpected is the lack of longhouses, which in other regions are the most characteristic feature of this culture. Ceramic-decorations show parallels to neighboring regions, and an exchange of lithic objects (trapezes, truncated blades) with the indigenes population.