How to Cite

Benz, Marion et al. (Eds.): Death in Ba`ja: Sepulchral Identity and Symbolism in an Early Neolithic Community of the Transjordanian Highlands. Household and Death in Ba`ja 2., Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2023.


ISBN 978-3-96929-230-3 (PDF)




Marion Benz (Ed.), Julia Gresky (Ed.), Christoph Purschwitz (Ed.), Hans Georg K. Gebel (Ed.)

Death in Ba`ja

Sepulchral Identity and Symbolism in an Early Neolithic Community of the Transjordanian Highlands. Household and Death in Ba`ja 2.

The publication Death in Baja presents for the first time a comprehensive account of the grave findings from the 9,000-year-old settlement of Baja in southern Jordan. It is the second volume of the final publication of the DFG Household and Death project. The unexpectedly lavishly decorated children graves shed new light on the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic period of the southern Levant. An empirical synthesis and archaeothanatological interpretation are provided before presenting the grave findings in detail, as well as eleven additional archaeological, analytical, and bioanthropological analyses and three contributions on the restoration of a unique necklace and on the reconstruction of the grave from which it came.

In this publication, the contributions appear successively. They are edited, have the final layout and are included unchanged in the full volume. Each early-view article receives a persistent DOI and is thus fully citable; only no pages can be given yet. Only when all articles are available will they be given page numbers. Please use the citation recommendation given in the PDF for the Early View.


Table of Contents
Hala Alarashi
Investigations on Raw-Materials, Production, and Use-Wear
Alice N.T. Costes, Andrea Fischer
Conservation and Restoration of an Exceptional Find
Eirini Skourtanioti, Michal Feldman
Corina Knipper, Julia Gresky, Marion Benz
Results of Strontium Isotope Analysis of Human Teeth
Anja Prust
Faunal Remains in Burial Contexts
Melissa Gerlitzki, Manfred Martin
Results of XRF-Analyses and Thin Sections of Raw Materials from Beads
Hala Alarashi
Jamila’s” Necklace: Study and Reconstruction of a Complex Ornament Found in the Child Burial CG7
Marion Benz, Joachim Bauer, Hans Georg K. Gebel
Empirical Data and Thanatological Perspectives on Ba`ja's Late PPNB Sepulchral Environments: a Synthesi
Marion Benz, Julia Gresky, Christoph Purschwitz, Hala Alarashi, Michael Schultz, Hans Georg K. Gebel
“Domesticating” Death: the Burial Contexts
Julia Gresky
Human Remains from Areas C and D:
Morphological and Palaeopathological Investigations
Julia S. Krauß, Jan E.W. Gresky, Julia Gresky
Non-Metric Traits of Deciduous and Permanent Dentitions of Ten Non-Adult Individuals from Area C
Hans Georg K. Gebel
The Use of Red Pigments
Colour-Coded Territories
Hans Georg K. Gebel
Sepulchral Commodification:
the Rituality of the Ba`ja Daggers
Hussein M. al-Sababha, Mousa Serbil
“Jamila’s” Grave:
Consolidation and Reconstruction
