Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerks Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen

Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerks Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen

Being aware of its culture political responsibility in the sense of the Washington Principles and the Joint Statement, the state of Lower Saxony founded a network for provenance research in 2015. It concentrates all forces and competences of provenance research on state level and connects them with the German Lost Art Foundation.

In this book series the Network for Provenance Research in Lower Saxony publishes the results of its annual conferences, as well as chosen academic contributions of its members and partners. The network focuses on all relevant issues of provenance research, such as research on assets seized through Nazi persecution, on cultural goods from colonial contexts and on confiscation of cultural assets in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR.

Bibliographic details


Dr. Claudia Andratschke
Netzwerk Provenienzforschung in Niedersachsen
Landesmuseum Hannover
Das WeltenMuseum
Willy-Brandt-Allee 5
30169 Hannover


ISSN (online): 2701-1585
ISSN (Print): 2701-1577

Coming Soon

Claudia Andratschke, Charlotte Marlene Hoes, Annekathrin Krieger (Eds.)

Colonial Dimensions of the Global Wildlife Trade

This volume resulted from an international conference that took place in November 2022 at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. The aim was to examine the colonial dimensions of the global wildlife trade in the first half of the 20th century, and its connections to other forms of trade, e.g., with human remains, animal material or ethnographic objects. In particular, the papers scrutinise the legacy of this trade - in the regions of origin, but also in European and North American institutions.
The conference and the volume are linked to the project "The global networks of the animal trading companies Reiche and Ruhe - provenance research on the circulation of animals, humans and objects in the 19th and 20th centuries”, which is based at the Chair of Modern History at the University of Göttingen and is funded by the German Lost Art Foundation. It is conducted in cooperation with the Municipal Museum of Alfeld and the Network for Provenance Research in Lower Saxony. 

Published so far

Claudia Andratschke (Ed.), Lars Müller (Ed.), Katja Lembke (Ed.)

Provenance Research on Collections from Colonial Contexts: Principles, Approaches, Challenges

This volume compiles the contributions at the International Conference of the same name, which was held at Leibniz University Hanover in June 2021. The conference was planned by the collaborative project "Provenance Research on Non-European Collections and Ethnology in Lower Saxony" (PAESE), coordinated at the State Museum Hanover. The aim was to bring together actors from different perspectives to discuss questions, methods and (preliminary) results in the field of provenance research on collections from colonial contexts.

Claudia Andratschke (Ed.), Maik Jachens (Ed.)

Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten (China): In vier ostfriesischen Museen und Kultureinrichtungen

The publication brings together the contributions of the final event of the same name as well as the results of a project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation, supported by the Provenance Research Network in Lower Saxony, and coordinated by the Museum Office of the East Frisian Landscape. Facts & Files, Historical Research Institute Berlin, examined about 500 objects in four East Frisian institutions (Dt. Sielhafenmuseum Carolinensiel, Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Emden von 1814, Ostfriesisches Teemuseum Norden and Fehn- und Schiffahrtsmuseum Westrhauderfehn) for possible colonial contexts in relation to Qingdao, the former "protectorate" of the then German Empire.

Christopher Manuel Galler (Ed.), Jochen Meiners (Ed.)

Regionaler Kunsthandel: Eine Herausforderung für die Provenienzforschung?

The conference proceedings outline the contributions presented at the online conference of the same name organised by the Bomann Museum in Celle and held on 1 March 2021. Locating sources for provenance research into the regional art trade is often difficult as business records or auction and sales catalogues have not been preserved in most cases. Therefore the central question at the conference was how to achieve the best possible provenance research nevertheless. Individual contributions provide examples from various museums and research projects in northern Germany how this can be accomplished.

Sabine Lang, Andrea Nicklisch, Claudia Andratschke (Ed.)

Den Sammlern auf der Spur: Provenienzforschung zu kolonialen Kontexten am Roemer- und Pelizaeus- Museum Hildesheim 2017/18

„On the Trail of the Collectors” presents the results of a provenance research project conducted at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim in 2017/18. The focus of the project was on the provenance of ethnographic objects that came to Hildesheim from the comprehensive holdings of the Royal Museum of Ethnology in Berlin at the turn of the 19th/20th century, and on the circumstances under which these objects were acquired. Most of these artefacts from almost every continent were collected in colonial contexts. The volume provides biographical information on the collectors, and a discussion of the very heterogeneous ways in which they acquired ethnographic objects.

Claudia Andratschke (Ed.), Maik Jachens (Ed.)

Nach dem Erstcheck: Provenienzforschung nachhaltig vermitteln

The publication collects the contributions of the conference of the same name on 4 November 2019, that was organised by the Network for Provenance Research in Lower Saxony, the Regional Association of Southern Lower Saxony and the municipal Museum of Einbeck. Editors and authors discuss how the results of so-called "first-check" projects of provenance research for the search for and identification of Nazi looted cultural goods in city and regional museums in southern Lower Saxony can be sustainably documented, used in a participatory way and permanently made visible or communicated.