Weber, Cornelia

ICOM Deutschland (Ed.), Markus Walz (Ed.)

Museum: ausreichend. Die ‚untere Grenze‘ der Museumsdefinition: Tagungsband des Internationalen Bodensee-Symposiums 2018

The quantity and diversity of museums is increasing; but what about “hard criteria” for differentiating museums and non-museums? The Austrian-German-Swiss conference “Bodensee-Symposium 2018” discussed interesting case studies of drawing this definitional line by outsourcing if the museum staff does not have certain competences, by clear renunciation of one of the five main tasks of museum work because the capacities of the museum are insufficient for realising this task, or by external assessment and certification if this institution fulfils the expected level of museum work (or not). This volume closes with reflections of the museum definition by representatives of institutions which are only similar to museums (a private art collection, university collections, a product archive of a commercial company).

ICOM Deutschland (Ed.)

Chancen und Nebenwirkungen – Museum 4.0: Jahrestagung von ICOM Deutschland, 14. bis 16. November 2019 in München. Tagungsband

The challenges of museums in the digital age are manifold, but where to begin in view of the multitude of tasks? The 2019 annual conference of ICOM Germany used interesting case studies – Museum4punkt0, NUMiD, ViSIT (University of Passau), Cadolzburg (Bavarian Palace Administration), Digital Strategy for Museums (State Office for Non-Governmental Museums in Bavaria), and many others – to discuss different perceptions of the field of digitization in cultural establishments, individual fields of action, and difficulties that often arise in museum reality. As diverse as the museums are, the twenty or so examples presented make it clear: If digitization is to be a successful sustainable opening of museums to the digital and thus extend beyond individual digital mediation offers, emphasized Julian Nida-Rümelin in the introduction, it must go hand in hand with a digital mindset and a corresponding work culture. Furthermore, a digital strategy that suits one’s own institution as well as sufficient resources and the support of the museum sponsors are important requirements.