Schubert, Charlotte

Charlotte Schubert (Ed.), Sven-Philipp Brandt (Ed.)

Der Protreptikos des Iamblich: Rekonstruktion, Refragmentarisierung und Kontextualisierung mit Textmining

This book combines several articles, which analyse the Protreptikos by Iamblichus with different text mining methods. With these methods the authors try to find new aspects for the discourse in classical studies about the relationship between the Protreptikos by Iamblichus, Aristotle’s Protreptikos and Plato’s writings.

Iamblichus’ Protreptikos is concerned with Pythagoras’ theory and for that purpose he discusses philosophical trends of the classical antiquity. Hence many citations of classical philosophers can be found in the text. For this reason the authors use the citation-analysis and the cooccurrence-analysis, text mining tools provided by the portal eAQUA, and give a new perspective on citation methods in Iamblichus’ Protreptikos.

Charlotte Schubert (Ed.), Paul Molitor (Ed.), Jörg Ritter (Ed.), Joachim Scharloth (Ed.), Kurt Sier (Ed.)

Platon Digital: Tradition und Rezeption

Like Homer, Plato is one of the ancient authors with the richest reception from Antiquity through the Middle Ages to modern times. Nevertheless, and precisely for this reason, this tradition at best has been partially explored so far. The authors approach this old goal of research in the humanities in new ways by applying methods from computer science to Plato and his reception. To this end, innovative methods of paraphrase identification have been developed in order to establish them as a method of research in classical and cultural studies.

Stylianos Chronopoulos (Ed.), Felix K. Maier (Ed.), Anna Novokhatko (Ed.)

Digitale Altertumswissenschaften:: Thesen und Debatten zu Methoden und Anwendungen

This volume introduces scholars who are not particularly acquainted with recently ongoing developments in Digital Classics to selected crucial problems and debates in the field. The selection enables the readers not only to get an all-around view of the discussed issue but also to get in contact with common main lines of discourses in Digital Classics and Digital Humanities in general. This volume offers discussions on fundamental questions and tendencies (new working methods, digital publishing, teaching and research with the usage of databases and information systems), and a specialized discussion on digital scholarly editions, which serves as an example illustrating general issues on producing and working with digitized and digital sources and material in Classics. Thus, the purpose of this volume is to be a collection of some crucial results that have been achieved, clear tendencies that dominate, envisioned possibilities, and even deadlocks, and become thus a provisory orientation point in the fast changing landscape of institutions, disciplines and methods in (Digital) Classics today.