edition metzel

Founded in 1982 in Munich as “Verlag Silke Schreiber” and run since 1996 by art historian Dr. Luise Metzel, edition metzel has been known under its new name since Constanze Metzel entered the company in 2017.

The publishing programme includes topics and discourses from all areas of art of the 20th and 21st Century. Next to numerous monographs concerned with eminent artists, important exhibitions and works of art, a special focus lies on current research results in history of art and cultural theory from modernism to the present day: art theory, exhibition history, visual culture, development of art genres, gender studies, art criticism, material aesthetics, museology, style history etc. The books are based on excellent PhD and habilitation dissertations by renowned scholars of German, Austrian and Swiss universities. In addition, conference transcripts and proceedings as well as artists’ writings are published – translated into German and with added experts’ comments. Artist’s books and catalogues, which represent current tendencies in art and new artistic positions, make up another branch of publications.

Since 2018 selected volumes are published as e-books free of charge in Open Access on arthistoricum.net.


Andrea Bärnreuther (Ed.)
Heinz Herbert Mann

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edition metzel
Verlag Silke Schreiber
Dr. Luise Metzel
Agnesstr. 12
80798 München

Tel.: +49 89 2710180
E-Mail: info@editionmetzel.de
Internet: edition metzel