Archäologentage Otzenhausen – Archäologie in der Großregion
Since 2014, the Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen and the community of Nonnweiler have been organising the cross-border symposium "Otzenhausen Archaeology Days - Archaeology in the Greater Region" (here: Saarland, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Wallonia and Alsace). Archaeologists from universities, authorities for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments, museums and excavation projects in the above-mentioned region report on their work and research results and/or progress. Young researchers are also given the opportunity to present their work. The 4-day event includes about 18-20 lectures, an extensive poster presentation and a book sale. Excursions to sites and museums in the Greater Region add to the programme.
The conference is directed at both experts and interested parties and is therefore open to everyone. The lectures are simultaneously interpreted in German and French. The objective is to promote informal exchange and contacts in the Greater Region and to raise public awareness of archaeological issues.
Michael Koch
Archäologischer Förder- und Kulturverein
Freundeskreis keltischer Ringwall Otzenhausen e.V.
Verein zur Förderung der Archäologie im Hochwald
Published so far
Archäologie in der Großregion: Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums zur Archäologie in der Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 12. - 15. April 2018
This volume refers to the conference in 2018, where, for current reasons, the topic of "migration" took center stage. For archaeology certainly also has a political dimension, as already suggested by the winged phrase "future needs origin". The phenomena of migration, flight and displacement, as well as the passing on of craft techniques and cultural phenomena through migratory movements are as old as mankind itself. Especially for the greater region with the states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Luxembourg, Lorraine, Alsace and Wallonia, this is an important topic.
this is a significant topic.
Archäologie in der Großregion: Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums zur Archäologie in der Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 23. - 26. März 2017
The Greater Region is traditionally an area with a focus on Celtic and Roman research. On the one hand, certainly, because there is a corresponding archaeological substance here, on the other hand but also because several associations interested in archaeology were already active here in the early 19th century and thus laid the foundation for today's interest in this era. Their work and excavation results shaped to a great extent over a long period of time the image of the "Celts" and "Romans" as it is commonly used. The present volume is now dedicated to one of these important Celtic researchers of the Greater Region for his 80th birthday: Prof. Dr. Alfred Haffner.
Archäologie in der Großregion: Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums zur Archäologie in der Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 14. - 17. April 2016
The third International Archaeology Days in Otzenhausen focused, among other things, on the Celtic ring wall, the so-called "Hun ring", as an archaeological project has been operated there since 1999, which is continuously embedded in the tourism concept of the community. The Celtic Park was officially opened in May 2016 and was therefore the focus of the meeting.
Archäologie in der Großregion: Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums zur Archäologie in der Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 19. - 22. Februar 2015
The present conference proceedings document the lectures and presentations of the 2nd Otzenhausen Archaeology Days and thus make them accessible to those who were not able to attend the Archaeology Days. It is not possible to document the countless conversations and "border crossings" that took place on the sidelines and during the breaks, in the evenings and during the excursions. And yet it is precisely these that make the Otzenhausen Archaeology Days so appealing.
Archäologie in der Großregion: Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums zur Archäologie in der Großregion in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen vom 7. - 9. März 2014
At the conference „Archäologentage Otzenhausen 2014“ the University of Fine Arts in Saarland (HBKsaar) presented two new concept studies in the fi eld of „Digital Cultural Heritage“:
Even before its offi cial launch (2015), this system developed in the fi eld of digital cultural heritage could be tested through a preliminary study. During the „Otzenhausen Archaeology Days”, 2014, an experimental set-up provided the opportunity to learn more about the system and to gather hands-on experience.