Ägyptologische Studien Leipzig

Ägyptologische Studien Leipzig

Monographs in the scholarly series ÄSL, that is published since 2019, focus on the study of pharaonic Egypt and encompass all related fields within Egyptology, such as archaeology, religion, art, language and literature. These publications shall consist of both first editions and secondary reprints of first editions.

The ÄSL series is specifically intended as a publication platform for outstanding postgraduate dissertations in the discipline of Egyptology, and to provide early career researchers with the opportunity to publish their work in open access and as print-on-demand editions.


Bibliographic details


Dr. Katharina Stegbauer
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Ägyptologisches Institut der Universität Leipzig
Email: stegba@uni-leipzig.de

ISSN (online): 2699-6286
ISSN (Print): 2699-6294

Published so far

Andrea Sinclair

Outlooks on the International Koiné Style: Hybrid Visual Idiom from New Kingdom Elite Iconography

The Near Eastern Late Bronze Age is known for heightened political and economic interconnectivity as kings of wealthy states like Egypt and Hatti competed in the pursuit of valuable commodities, raw materials and technologies. An outcome of this interaction is argued to be the creation of a shared elite visual culture, an idiom of kingship, that has been called the ‘International Style’ in scholarship. This dissertation critiques the model and investigates evidence for this so-called style from Egypt, in particular addressing artefacts from the tomb of Tutankhamen that have been associated with this style in the past. It challenges the model for a shared idiom of kingship from Egypt and instead proposes an internal value within 18th royal rhetoric.

Nadja S. Braun

Bilder erzählen: Visuelle Narrativität im alten Ägypten

Visual narrative is a phenomenon that has become increasingly the focus of interdisciplinary research in recent decades. The work is devoted to pictorial narration in ancient Egypt and transfers established narrative theories to ancient Egyptian images with the aim of introducing a system for dealing with Egyptian image-narratives. The collection of sources is divided into two groups; on the one hand, representations from the official context such as images on temples and royal and non-royal tombs are examined, and on the other hand narrative images from everyday culture, which are mainly handed down to ostraca, are subject of examination. In a separate chapter, historical narrative pictures and their influence on the culture of remembrance are also addressed.

Katharina Stegbauer

Magie als Waffe gegen Schlangen in der ägyptischen Bronzezeit

Unter den Zaubersprüchen des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs machen Texte gegen Schlangen und ihr Gift den größten Teil aus. Diese Sammlung von Sprüchen bildet die Grundlage für die Untersuchung der Merkmale der Textsorte der Zaubersprüche. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist eine Zusammenstellung des in diesen Sprüchen enthaltenen altägyptischen Wissens über Schlangen und ihr Gift. Zudem wird der Frage nachgegangen, warum die altägyptische Kultur so lange an der Verwendung solcher Sprüche festgehalten hat. Thematisiert wird außerdem der ägyptologische Umgang mit den Zaubersprüchen, der lange Zeit von großen Schwierigkeiten geprägt war. Die Arbeit enthält einen Katalog, der die 52 ausgewerteten Sprüche in Transkription und Übersetzung vorgelegt - jeweils begleitet von einer inhaltlichen Interpretation.