How to Cite

Heinzelmann, Michael and Recko, Cathalin (Eds.): Quantifying Ancient Building Economy: Panel 3.24, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 23).


ISBN 978-3-948465-26-1 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948465-27-8 (Softcover)




Michael Heinzelmann (Ed.), Cathalin Recko (Ed.)

Quantifying Ancient Building Economy

Panel 3.24

In recent years, the study of ancient construction has focused increasingly on putting the different aspects of the process of building into an economic framework. This entailed examining the various steps of construction and the organization of a building site in detail. It also meant that attempts were made to quantify the use of both the materials and the labour necessary for the building project, as these illustrate the scale of a building project and its impact on the overall economy.

The goal of this volume is to bring together different approaches of the study of the economy of building. With the help of methods of quantification and intensive architectural studies, the case studies of city walls, baths, temples and timber buildings in this volume not only shed light on the various constructional characteristics of these buildings, but also on a wide range of economic implications. The collection of papers ranges from Messene in the 4th century BC to Imperial Rome and are completed by practical insights from 19th century building manuals. 

Professor and chair of Classical Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology at the University of Cologne; previous positions: researcher at the German Archaeological Institute at Rome; director of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology at Jerusalem; professor for Mediterranean Archeology at the University of Berne.

Cathalin Recko, Postdoc at the Archaeological Institute at the University of Cologne. Recently finished PhD project about the quantification of labour requirements for the public buildings around the forum of Pompeii.  


Table of Contents
Martin Bentz, Michael Heinzelmann
Simon Barker, Ben Russell
Historical Sources, Labour Figures and Ancient Stone Working Costs
Monika Trümper
Logistics of Building Processes: The Stabian Baths in Pompeii
Cathalin Recko
The Construction of Pompeii’s Sacred Buildings and their Role within the Local Building Industry
Jean-Claude Bessac, Silke Müth
Economic Challenges of Building a Geländemauer in the Middle of the 4th century BC: Quantifying the City Wall of Messene
Seth Bernard
The Energetics of Polygonal Masonry: Building Cosa’s Walls
Steffen Oraschewski
Ancient Working Processes and Efforts Considering Large-Scale Constructions Made of Timber in Rome
Ana Portillo-Gómez, Manuel D. Ruiz-Bueno
Considerations about the Cost of the Polychrome Decoration and the Constructive Materials of the Temple of Divus Augustus at Colonia Patricia
