How to Cite

Simons, Angela (Ed.)Butler, Michaela (Transl.): Hirten im Himalaya – Prähistorische Mumien im Höhlengrab Mebrak 63 (Mustang/Nepal), Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Archäologische Berichte, Volume 31).


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ISBN 978-3-948465-12-4 (PDF)




Angela Simons (Ed.)

Hirten im Himalaya – Prähistorische Mumien im Höhlengrab Mebrak 63 (Mustang/Nepal)

This publication reports the results of the archaeological investigation of the prehistoric burial cave Mebrak 63 in Dzong valley, a high mountain valley in the Nepal Himalayas. 15 authors describe the excavation and present the interpretation of the complex archaeological findings and remains in ten chapters. In the appendix primary data are included: tables, the catalogue and plates of the archaeological finds.

Co-operation between archaeology and anthropology, textile archaeology, archaeo-botany and dendro-archaeology made it possible to reveal to a great extent the meaning of the prehistoric grave chamber and to come close to the people who were entombed in the collective burial cave in the last millennium before the Christian era. The analysis of the findings which, due to their preservation, are so far unique, provides insight into the way of life and the wide spread exchange and trade links of the prehistoric pastoralists.

Simons, Angela (editor)

Studies of prehistory and social anthropology at the University of Cologne, prior to that a degree in chemistry at the Technical University of Aachen. From 1992 to 1996 director of the Nepal project at the Institute for Prehistory at the University of Cologne as part of the Nepal-German Project on High Mountain Archaeology: investigations in cave systems in the Himalayas, 1995 excavation of Mebrak 63, the prehistoric burial cave with mummified bodies. Then, until 2018, managing projects for the Archaeological Heritage Conservation in the Netherlands.

Media coverage

In this edited volume, Angela Simons and colleagues present some welcome archaeological data that help to explore fundamental questions about the prehistoric past of the high Himalayas. 

Mark Aldenderfer in: Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology and the Pacific, Volume 61, Number 1, 2022, pp. 174-177


Table of Contents
Angela Simons
Vorbemerkungen und Danksagungen
Angela Simons
Kapitel 1 Unter dem Schirm des „Nepal-German Project on High Mountain Archaeology“
Angela Simons
Kapitel 2 Acht Ausgrabungsplana – Archäologische Befunde und Funde im Höhlengrab
Angela Simons
Kapitel 3 Totenbetten – Bettsärge und andere Holzelemente
Angela Simons
Kapitel 4 500 Jahre lang als Grabstätte genutzt – Belegungsgeschichte im Höhlengrab Mebrab 63
Kurt W. Alt, Nicole Nicklisch, Birgit Großkopf, Werner Vach, Gisela Grupe
Kapitel 5 Anthropologische Untersuchungen
Susan Möller-Wiering, Christian-Herbert Fischer
Kapitel 6 Textil-, Fell- und Lederfunde aus dem Kollektivgrab Mebrak 63 in Mustang, Nepal
Jutta Meurers-Balke, Karl-Heinz Knörzer, Arie J. Kalis, Angela Simons, Tanja Zerl, Angela von den Driesch
Kapitel 7 Pflanzenreste und tierische Beigaben
Burghart Schmidt, Wolfgang Gruhle, Angela Simons, Jutta Meurers-Balke
Kapitel 8 Datierung der Bestattungen
Angela Simons, Kurt W. Alt, Angela von den Driesch, Birgit Großkopf, Gisela Grupe, Jutta Meurers-Balke, Susan Möller-Wiering, Nicole Nicklisch, Werner Vach
Kapitel 9 Hirten im Hochgebirgstal: Zusammenfassende Diskussion und Synthese
Angela Simons, Kurt W. Alt, Angela von den Driesch, Birgit Großkopf, Gisela Grupe, Jutta Meurers-Balke, Susan Möller-Wiering, Nicole Nicklisch, Werner Vach, Michaela Butler
Kapitel 10 Pastoralists in a High Mountain Valley: Summarising Discussion and Synthesis
Anhang Tabellen 1-3
Anhang Katalog der Sonderfunde. Katalog der Kleinfunde und Proben
Anhang Tafeln 1-45 Archäologie
