Stockhammer, Philipp W.

Harald Meller (Ed.), Johannes Krause (Ed.), Wolfgang Haak (Ed.), Roberto Risch (Ed.)

Kinship, Sex, and Biological Relatedness : The contribution of archaeogenetics to the understanding of social and biological relations

Relationships between people have always been the basis of social coexistence. Kinship – whether it is biological or social – has a very special significance. In archaeology, these immaterial connections have rarely been proven beyond doubt. In recent years, however, the field of archaeogenetics has developed methods and techniques that, given good DNA preservation, make it possible to determine the degree of genetic relatedness between two people who lived in the past.
The studies collected in this book, draw their knowledge on kinship from the fields of anthropology, archaeology, genetics, and the historical and social sciences. They demonstrate, on the basis of recent or previously known sites, which conclusions the new scientific insights allow on the one hand, but on the other hand also point out their limitations in the interpretation of (pre-)historic societies.

Martin Renger (Ed.), Stefan Schreiber (Ed.), Alexander Veling (Ed.)

Theorie | Archäologie | Reflexion 1: Kontroversen und Ansätze im deutschsprachigen Diskurs

The double volume “Theory | Archaeology | Reflection. Controversies and approaches in German-language discourse” is dedicated to the diversity of approaches that shape archaeological theoretical discourse today and in the near future. To this end, it brings together groundbreaking contributions, exciting thought experiments and initial theoretical approaches across the archaeological spectrum. Both established and young academics contribute new impulses and approaches to the discourse or discuss existing approaches. The articles of the first volume focus on disciplinary definitions, standpoints and positioning, as well as on questions of ethics and responsibility in archaeologies.