Schäfer, Sabrina

Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie (Ed.)

New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths’ Works (13th-15th Centuries): Neue Forschungen zur spätbyzantinischen Goldschmiedekunst (13.-15. Jahrhundert)

This volume comprises 13 papers from the conference »New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths‘ Works (13th-15th Centuries)«, held at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz in October 2015. The contributions primarily deal with the material culture of goldsmiths’ works, such as crosses, reliquary caskets, jewellery, enamel works, and precious stones, spanning the wide geographical area of Byzantium and many of its neighbours, from Russia via Trebizond and Serbia to Crete. Furthermore, written sources on Byzantine goldsmiths, their craft and the provenance of precious metals provide evidence for goldsmithing in Byzantium throughout its history.

Despoina Ariantzi (Ed.), Ina Eichner (Ed.)

Für Seelenheil und Lebensglück: Das byzantinische Pilgerwesen und seine Wurzeln

The final international conference of the project "For Salvation and Happiness: Byzantine Pilgrimage and its Roots", held in December 2015, gathered scholars from the disciplines of archaeology, Byzantine studies, art history, historical sciences, religious history, epigraphy and historical geography, who addressed the phenomenon of pilgrimage in the Byzantine Empire. The contributions consider the connections of Byzantine pilgrimage to pagan and Jewish pilgrimage. Above all, they present and discuss the practice of pilgrimage between "cult and commerce" in the sacral-topographical and landscape context of individual regions and locations in the Byzantine Empire from Egypt to Bulgaria and from southern Italy to the Holy Land.