Musil, Rudolf

Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke (Ed.)

Das Pleistozän von Untermassfeld bei Meiningen (Thüringen)

Following on from Part 1, published in 1997, Part 2 of the Untermassfeld monograph presents new results from the international team of specialists coordinated by R.-D. Kahlke. This volume contains the research history of the Early Pleistocene fossil site from 1989 to 1996 as well as investigations on the geological structure of the deposit and the formation of its exceptional accumulation of skeletal remains. Methodologies of osteological preparation and conservation are detailed along with new cervid finds and the remains of a hippopotamus skull. This volume also includes studies on the entire collection of rhinocerotids, equids, elephantids, canids, ursids, mustelids and hyaenids together with corresponding finds of coprolites. The richly illustrated articles are written in German or English and each has a detailed English summary.