Krieg, Heinz

Armand Baeriswyl (Ed.), Peter Niederhäuser (Ed.)

Zeugen vergangener Macht und Herrschaft: Schweizer Burgen und Schlösser vom Mittelalter bis heute

The 2016 conference in Spiez gave an insight into the current state of castle research and highlighted aspects of social and cultural history as well as the history of power. The proceedings begin with an introduction to the topic of medieval aristocracy and castle construction (Thomas Biller). This is followed by studies of the castles of the Zähringen dynasty (Heinz Krieg) and in the former diocese of Geneva (Matthieu de la Corbière), a case study of Colombier Castle in Canton Neuchâtel (Ferdinand Pajor) and an overview of early castle construction in what is today Swiss territory (Armand Baeriswyl). Special attention is then devoted to the Habsburg fortified border after 1499 (Peter Niederhäuser). A chronological trajectory from the Middle Ages to the present is drawn by papers on castle construction (Jürg Schweizer) and the castle revival (Elisabeth Crettaz) as well as a study of how castles are used today (Thomas Pauli-Gabi). The publication also contained short monographs and illustrations of 25 Swiss castles that are important from the point of view of both research history and castle typology.

Eva-Maria Butz (Ed.), Erik Beck (Ed.), Martin Strotz (Ed.), Alfons Zettler (Ed.), Thomas Zotz (Ed.)

Burgen im Breisgau: Aspekte von Burg und Herrschaft im überregionalen Vergleich

Scholars from several nations and disciplines met in March 2009 in the former Cluniac Priory of St. Ulrich near Bollschweil to discuss aspects of medieval castles. The invitation was extended by the project group "The Castles in Medieval Breisgau" at the Universities of Dortmund and Freiburg i. Br., which aims at a complete survey of the castles of an old medieval landscape. At the conference, the results of many years of research were placed in a scientific context and compared on a supra-regional level.

Sebastian Brather (Ed.), Hans Ulrich Nuber (Ed.), Heiko Steuer (Ed.), Thomas Zotz (Ed.)

Antike im Mittelalter. Fortleben, Nachwirken, Wahrnehmung: 25 Jahre Forschungsverbund »Archäologie und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends in Südwestdeutschland«

A new, preferably unbiased view of spatial structures proves to be a decisive prerequisite for freeing research from rigid assumptions and models. This makes it possible to replace previous and necessarily highly simplified ladder counts with complex reconstructions. Beyond large lines, spatial relationships and structures prove to be flexible and changeable. The contributions collected in this volume underline how different approaches and perspectives can be, even if they deal with the seemingly self-evident "space". In this opening beyond deterministic concepts and conceptions of space, which geography has long since completed, there are new opportunities for archaeological and historical studies.

Sebastian Brather (Ed.), Jürgen Dendorfer (Ed.)

Grenzen, Räume und Identitäten: Der Oberrhein und seine Nachbarregionen von der Antike bis zum Hochmittelalter

A new, preferably unbiased view of spatial structures proves to be a decisive prerequisite for freeing research from rigid assumptions and models. This makes it possible to replace previous and necessarily highly simplified dominant narrative with complex reconstructions. Beyond large lines, spatial relationships and structures prove to be flexible and changeable. The contributions collected in this volume underline how different approaches and perspectives can be, even when they deal with the seemingly self-evident "space". In this opening beyond deterministic concepts and conceptions of space, which geography has long since completed, there are new opportunities for archaeological and historical studies.