Balzer, Ines

Jörg Bofinger (Ed.), Stephan M. Heidenreich (Ed.)

Befund – Rekonstruktion – Touristische Nutzung: Keltische Denkmale als Standortfaktoren

The “Heidengraben” on the Swabian Alb comprises the remains of a Late Celtic fortified settlement of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. Archaeological finds and remains of ramparts visible above ground illustrate the supra-regional importance and the spatial dimensions of the Celtic oppidum, which is one of the largest in Central Europe.
On the occasion of new plans for the touristic enhancement of the large scale monument “Heidengraben”, an international colloquium was held in Grabenstetten in autumn 2013. The results of this conference are presented in this volume. The contributions deal with central questions of the reconstruction of archaeological features. However, the range of topics is not limited to specialised archaeological problems, but also deals with core aspects of a tourism concept. In this context, numerous experts from various scientific institutions and museums present “best practice” projects from Germany and Austria.

Die latènezeitliche Brücke mit Siedlung bei Kirchhain-Niederwald, Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf: Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zur eisenzeitlichen Siedlungslandschaft des Amöneburger Beckens

Between 2008 and 2012 hessenARCHÄOLOGIE uncovered a spectacular site of the later Iron Age in the northern Amöneburg Basin near Niederwald – the remains of a 21-metre-long wooden yoke-pile bridge that had served as a river crossing from around the middle of the 3rd to the middle of the 2nd century BC. It proved to be a stroke of luck that in 2011 400 m west of the bridge the remains of a contemporary settlement came to light, whose earliest traces date back to the Hallstatt period. The result of the in-depth interdisciplinary research, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is a meticulous two-volume study that doesn’t just look at the local Iron Age remains, but draws a picture of the Amöneburg Basin during the 1st millennium BC in terms of landscape and settlement history.

Volume 2, s. hier.