LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen (Archeology for Westphalia)


Under the umbrella of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen, according to the heritage protection law of North Rine-Westphalia, is an independent office responsible for archeological monument conservation. Hence, LWL-Archäologie is representing the common interest regarding the historical testimonies and artefacts of our past. As a trustee of public interest it works closely with the monuments offices of local communities, districts and the federal state of North Rine-Westphalia. The manifold tasks of der LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen include finding, documenting, researching, protecting and maintaining the remains of past eras and conveying recent knowledge and finds.

To make the research results available to a wide audience LWL-Archäologie publishes several publications, ranging from popular scientific brochures to dissertations comprising several volumes. It also publishes several publication series and journals which are available in Open Access in collaboration with Propylaeum. The journals Archäologie in Westfalen-Lippe and Ausgrabungen und Funde in Westfalen-Lippe are already available as Propylaeum-eJournals. The series Bodenaltertümer Westfalens and Denkmalpflege und Forschung in Westfalen are soon to follow and will be made available as Propylaeum-eBooks in the course of the expansion of the Open Access range.


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LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen
An den Speichern 7
48157 Münster

Tel.: +49 251 591-8801
E-Mail: lwl-archaeologie@lwl.org
Inernet: www.lwl-archaeologie.de