How to Cite

Liedl, Hannah and González Cesteros, Horacio: Ephesus in the Julio-Claudian Period: New Evidence of Consumption, Cult and Exchange from Terrace House 2, in Lawall, Mark L. (Ed.): Assemblages of Transport Amphoras: From Chronology to Economics and Society: Panel 6.6, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2022 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 36), p. 73-.

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Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-96929-063-7 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96929-064-4 (Softcover)




Hannah Liedl, Horacio González Cesteros

Ephesus in the Julio-Claudian Period

New Evidence of Consumption, Cult and Exchange from Terrace House 2