How to Cite
Nickel, Rainer: Kofferpacken mit Ovid: Anregungen zur Herstellung von Annäherungstexten, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019 (Ars Didactica: Marburger Beiträge zu Studium und Didaktik der Alten Sprachen, Volume 5).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The print publication was published in 2018 by Kartoffeldruck-Verlag Kai Brodersen, Speyer, ISBN 978-3-939526-35-3
Kofferpacken mit Ovid
Anregungen zur Herstellung von Annäherungstexten
„Kofferpacken“ is an old party game: The first player says a short sentence and a second repeats this and adds some words, a third repeats all this, and so on. In this way you can the before separated components off a Latin text fit together again. The proceeding is graphical steered so that the user will be brought gradually closer to the original by detecting step by step the darkened and first of all neglected parts of the text.