How to Cite

Andreu Pintado , Javier (Ed.): From "splendidissima ciuitas" to "oppidum labens": Financial Problems and Material Ruin in Roman Provincial Cities at the End of the High-Empire. The Hispanic Provinces: Panel 8.7, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2020 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 45).


ISBN 978-3-947450-85-5 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-947450-86-2 (Softcover)





Javier Andreu Pintado (Ed.)

From "splendidissima ciuitas" to "oppidum labens": Financial Problems and Material Ruin in Roman Provincial Cities at the End of the High-Empire. The Hispanic Provinces

Panel 8.7

Ancient Roman writers used to think of the Classical city as a durable, even eternal, structure and to recognize and underline its symbolic value as a reflection of the maiestas Imperii Romani and an image of the Romanization itself. On the other hand, different sources, from Pliny the Younger to the Historia Augusta, in addition to some inscriptions relate the weaknesses and problems of the local governments in maintaining the urban way of life and in supporting the financial system of those centres, in particular after the second half of the 2nd century AD, right before the much-discussed ‘crisis of the 3rd century’. This phenomenon turned many former splendidissimae ciuitates that possessed all the facilities and equipment of a Classical Roman  city into oppida labentia, cities in decline and in process of abandonment. This exciting process is only visible through the appropriate analysis of the archaeological evidence. This book deals with some of the juridical, historical, institutional and political factors and facts, which can contribute to enlighten us about the elements of this decline of some of the small towns in the Roman West, in particular some paradigmatic evidence and case studies from  Roman Spain.

Francisco Javier Andreu Pintado ist Assistenzprofessor für Alte Geschichte und Archäologie an der Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität von Navarra (Pamplona, Spanien). Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind u. a. das städtische Leben, lokale Elite sowie Urbanisierungsprozesse. Zudem ist er Projektleiter der Ausgrabungen in den römischen Städten Los Bañales de Uncastillo (Saragossa) und Santa Criz de Eslava (Navarra).


Table of Contents
Aitor Blanco-Pérez
Rome: an Empire of Cities and a Sustainable Model of Urbanism? Preface
Javier Andreu Pintado
From splendidissima ciuitas to oppidum labens: on the Causes of the Financial Problems and Material Ruin of Roman Provincial Cities at the End of the High-Empire
David Espinosa-Espinosa
From splendidissimae urbes to infirmae ciuitates
On the Crisis of the Latin Municipal System and Its Ideological and Institutional Causes
Diego Romero Vera
Walls, Streets and Sewers: Signs of the Urban Vigour in the Hispano-Roman Cities during the 2nd Century AD
Tamara Peñalver Carrascosa
Lucentum: the Decline of the City Through Its Domestic Architecture
Clara Forn Perramon , Pepita Padrós Martí, Jacinto Sánchez Gil de Montes
Urban Transformations in the Roman Town of Baetulo from the Flavian Period
Luis Romero Novella
The Roman forum of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza): Building, Remodelling and Reuse of a forum from the Conuentus Caesaraugustanus at the End of the High-Empire
