How to Cite

Kilian, Andrea, Pruß, Alexander and Zöller-Engelhardt, Monika (Eds.): Excavating the Extra-Ordinary 2: Challenges & Merits of Working with Small Finds. Proceedings of the International Workshop at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 25–26 November 2022, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2024.


ISBN 978-3-96929-312-6 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-96929-313-3 (Hardcover)




Andrea Kilian (Ed.), Alexander Pruß (Ed.), Monika Zöller-Engelhardt (Ed.)

Excavating the Extra-Ordinary 2

Challenges & Merits of Working with Small Finds. Proceedings of the International Workshop at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 25–26 November 2022

The international workshop ‘Excavating the Extra-Ordinary 2. Challenges & Merits of Working with Small Finds’ is the continuation of the successful format from 2019. Thematically, it deals with the challenging work with seemingly ‘ordinary’ small finds and their processing. This year, the range of content has been interdisciplinarily expanded to include the field of Near Eastern Archaeology.
To this end, specialists from excavations, museums and institutions presented and discussed the latest findings at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz in November
2022. This volume offers contributions from the workshop, including dealing with large quantities of material, analysing fragmentary finds and addressing methodological problems. The variety of materials discussed ranges from stone, wood and pottery artefacts to metal objects. The new volume this time also presents findings such as the functional reuse of objects of material culture.

Dr Andrea Kilian: Research associate in the SFB 980 "Episteme in Bewegung" at the FU Berlin. Research areas: Archaeology of Middle Egypt, material culture with a focus on pottery of the First Intermediate Period and clay offering plates, funerary culture.

Univ.-Prof. Dr Alexander Pruß: Head of the Department of Near Eastern Archaeology, Institute of Ancient Studies, JGU Mainz; research areas: Terracottas and clay figurines; urbanism and settlement structures of the Bronze Age; chronology and periodisation.

Dr Monika Zöller-Engelhardt: Senior Lecturer at the Department of Egyptology, Institute of Ancient Studies, JGU Mainz; Project Lead of the Ancient Sciences Innovation Lab; Research areas: Archaeology of Middle Egypt; Egyptian funerary culture; care practices; material culture with a focus on wooden objects and methodological and theoretical aspects; language change and linguistic variety; language typology; for further information see:


Table of Contents
Front Matter
Monika Zöller-Engelhardt, Andrea Kilian, Alexander Pruß
Camille Abric, Maria Paola Pellegrino, Michele Degli Esposti
The Zoomorphic Clay Figurines from Tell Abraq (Umm al-Quwain, UAE)
Alexander Ilin-Tomich, Vanessa Boschloos
Aims and Methods in Documenting and Processing Scarabs
Nora Kuch
Intentional Fragmentation of Stone Vessels in Context of Early Dynastic Burial Practices (Egypt)
Robert Kuhn
On the Importance of Stone Vessels in the Pre-and Early History of Egypt. Examples of Vessel Materials from the Royal Tomb of Den in Abydos
