Werther, Lukas

Lukas Werther

Komplexe Systeme im diachronen Vergleich: Ausgewählte Aspekte der Entwicklung von drei süddeutschen Kleinräumen zwischen Früh- und Hochmittelalter

Monographien des RGZM, Volume 127,1

Society and environment are complex systems in constant change. This study analyses the structural development of three small southern German regions between the 6th and 13th centuries. Based on archaeological, written and geoscientific sources, individual characteristics and supra-regional commonalities are worked out by a systematic diachronic comparison. Special attention is paid to the changes around the year 1000, a period in which the three micro-studies show a particularly pronounced individuality. Economic, ecological, social and political processes are discussed as causes of these region-specific special paths.

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Lukas Werther

Komplexe Systeme im diachronen Vergleich: Ausgewählte Aspekte der Entwicklung von drei süddeutschen Kleinräumen zwischen Früh- und Hochmittelalter

Monographien des RGZM, Volume 127,2

Society and the environment are complex systems that were also subject to constant change in the early and high Middle Ages. However, this process of change shows specific dynamics in different temporal phases and regions. This study analyses the structural development of three small southern German regions in Middle Franconia, Lower Franconia and Swabia between the 6th and 13th centuries on different levels. On the basis of archaeological sources, written evidence and geo-archives, individual peculiarities and supra-regional commonalities are worked out through a systematic diachronic comparison. Special attention is paid to the changes around the year 1000 and the Hungarian invasions as a possible triggering factor. Especially around the turn of the millennium, however, the three micro-studies reveal a particularly pronounced individuality. Economic processes, ecological crises and political-property and social upheavals are discussed as the causes of these region-specific special paths.

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