Wagner, Heiko

Gert Goldenberg (Ed.), Jürgen Otto (Ed.), Heiko Steuer (Ed.)

Archäometallurgische Untersuchungen zum Metallhüttenwesen im Schwarzwald

The subject of this volume is metal smelting in the Black Forest. A first contribution deals with technological developments in the prevention of lead, silver and copper ores in the period from the 11th to the 19th century. It provides the basics of metallurgy and describes, analyses and interprets the legacy of former smelting works from an archaeological and materials science perspective. A second article deals with the historical extraction and use of antimony ores. The work is published as Volume 8 in the series "Archäologie und Geschichte Freiburger Forschungen zum ersten Jahrtausend in Südwestdeutschland"

Sebastian Brather (Ed.), Jürgen Dendorfer (Ed.)

Grenzen, Räume und Identitäten: Der Oberrhein und seine Nachbarregionen von der Antike bis zum Hochmittelalter

A new, preferably unbiased view of spatial structures proves to be a decisive prerequisite for freeing research from rigid assumptions and models. This makes it possible to replace previous and necessarily highly simplified dominant narrative with complex reconstructions. Beyond large lines, spatial relationships and structures prove to be flexible and changeable. The contributions collected in this volume underline how different approaches and perspectives can be, even when they deal with the seemingly self-evident "space". In this opening beyond deterministic concepts and conceptions of space, which geography has long since completed, there are new opportunities for archaeological and historical studies.