Kraus, Barbara

Barbara Kraus

Befund Kind: Überlegungen zu archäologischen und anthropologischen Untersuchungen von Kinderbestattungen

Graves are some of the most important sources for research in pre- and ancient history. Only with detailed knowledge of scientific methods as well as of their possibilities and limits, the decision to recover human remains and analyze them for a specific archaeological epistemological interest can be pursued. Especially the utilization of invasive methods requires particular care.

Modifying methods applied for forming a diagnosis on human remains of adults is not sufficient for taking into consideration diagnosed features of (deceased) children – which at the same time may have varying characteristics due to maturity processes – adequately.

Also, certain criteria determine whether written sources can be used as part of an analogical conclusion. These criteria may structurally resemble problems of applicability faced when using anthropological methods.

The present overview on archaeological and anthropological methods for the diagnosis and evaluation of children’s organic remains is intended as a contribution for methodology.