Hemmer, Helmut

Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke (Ed.)

Das Pleistozän von Untermassfeld bei Meiningen (Thüringen)

Part 3 of the Untermassfeld monograph contains the processing of the spectacular felid material recovered from the site, which includes jaguar, cheetah, cougar, lynx, dirk- and sabre-toothed cat finds. This richly illustrated volume also contains studies on insectivores, hares and rodents, herbivore-osteophagy, small mammal gnaw marks, and paleotemperature determinations. The volume concludes with an extensive account of the genesis of the fossil deposit as well as the Early Pleistocene paleoecology and biostratigraphy of Untermassfeld. Included in the volume are 15 excavation plans documenting more than two decades of field work. The articles are written in German or English and each has a detailed English summary