Glas, Renate

Peter Kuhlmann (Ed.), Valeria Marchetti (Ed.)

Cicero als Bildungsautor der Gegenwart

Ars Didactica, Volume 6

Cicero’s works are still often used in Latin instruction. In November 2018, a conference organized by the Göttingen Collaborative Research Center ”Education and Religion“ examined the pedagogical value of Cicero’s philosophical works in particular.
The results of that conference are presented here and include contributions from instructors throughout Germany as well as Austria and Italy. These essays pursue both diachronic and synchronic aspects of reading Cicero in the classroom, as well as the significance of Cicero's works as examination texts. They show how Cicero’s works can be considered teaching texts in two ways: While Cicero has a canonical status for Latin teaching today, he also saw himself as an educator in his own day, concerned with cultivating humanitas in his readers.