Feist, Sabine

Sait Can Kutsal (Ed.), Fedor Schlimbach (Ed.)

Preguntando se llega a Roma: Festschrift für Achim Arbeiter zum 65. Geburtstag

The volume contains fifteen essays by students and (former) colleagues of Achim Arbeiter, who celebrates his 65th birthday in 2023 and at the same time also his 25th anniversary as Professor of 'Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art History' at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. The contributions deal with iconographic and iconological aspects of pictorial works, with stylistic, typological and iconographic aspects of architecture, with settlement archaeology, music, ancient traditions in Christian saint cults and the multiple occupation of graves. Chronologically, the studies range from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages; geographically, they lead from the Levant via North Africa, the Balkans and Italy to the Iberian Peninsula.

Sabine Schrenk (Ed.), Ute Verstegen (Ed.)

Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, XXIV. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Bonn, 10.–12. Mai 2018

The contributions were written within the framework of the XXIV conference of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie zur Erforschung spätantiker, frühmittelalterlicher und byzantinischer Kultur” (AGCA) which took place in Bonn in May 2018. Representatives from institutionally based Early Christian archaeology and Byzantine archaeology and art history in Germany, Aust   ria, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the Netherlands and Switzerland give an account on the subject’s history at their respective locations. Prominent researchers are portrayed, important national and international excavations are discussed, as well as the activities of national and international centers of research and of museums. The result is a broad overview of the history of the subject which clearly shows how multifaceted and rich in tradition Early Christian archaeology and Byzantine archaeology and art history are - a foundation for the subject’s future, for continuity as well as for changes.

Beatrice Baragli (Ed.), Albert Dietz (Ed.), Zsombor J. Földi (Ed.), Patrizia Heindl (Ed.), Polly Lohmann (Ed.), Sarah P. Schlüter (Ed.)

Distant Worlds and Beyond: Special Issue Dedicated to the Graduate School Distant Worlds (2012‒2021)

This special issue of the Distant Worlds Journal concludes the series in the form of a Festschrift for the institution that gave it its name. In this volume, research articles from former members of the Distant Worlds Graduate School have been collected. This volume presents new ideas, methods and ways of thinking gathered during the time at the Graduate School, as well as research conducted or current projects. The range of topics in this issue reflects the multifaceted nature for which the Graduate School in Munich was known. The numerous disciplines and the constant interdisciplinary discourse shaped the thinking and work of all involved.

Beate Böhlendorf-Arslan (Ed.)

Veränderungen von Stadtbild und urbaner Lebenswelt in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit: Assos im Spiegel städtischer Zentren Westkleinasiens

The transformation and restructuring of the ancient city in Asia Minor in the Late Antique and Early Byzantine periods has become a central topic of archaeological and historical research in recent decades. The contributions to this volume present an extremely differentiated picture of the development of cities and their surrounding areas during this period. An ideal starting point for this is the city of Assos on the southern coast of the Troad, where the transformation of the ancient city from the 4th to the 8th century has been the focus of research since 2013. The picture gained there is placed in a broader context in the present volume by contributions on Pergamon, Sardis, Ephesos, Didyma and Sagalassos, which shed light on the development process of the Late Antique and Early Byzantine cities of Western Asia Minor in very different ways from various aspects.