Böhme, Horst Wolfgang

Horst Wolfgang Böhme

Die spätantiken Gürtel mit kerbschnittverzierten Metallbeschlägen: Studien zu Militärgürteln des 4.-5. Jahrhunderts

Notched belt fittings served as representative and symbolic late Roman military belts; they were specially designed in Gaul for elite troops of the field army, remained in modified form until the first third of the 5th century and can be found above all at military sites and along the imperial border. Due to troop movements and the mobility of army units, the "notched belts" spread to many regions of the Western Roman Empire. Veterans brought them back to their respective home towns. Thanks to their planned design and controlled change, notched belts provide information about the structure and effectiveness of the Late Antique army up to the middle of the 5th century.

Walter Berschin (Ed.), Dieter Geuenich (Ed.), Heiko Steuer (Ed.)

Mission und Christianisierung am Hoch- und Oberrhein (6. - 8. Jahrhundert)

The Christianization of the Germanic peoples of Western Europe began with the conversion of Clovis, king of the Franks, who, according to the report of the historian Gregory of Tours, vowed his conversion to the Christian Catholic faith in a battle against the Alemanni in 496/97. This event of "world historical significance" was recalled and honored in 1996/97, 1500 years after the legendary Battle of the Alemanni, in numerous events, exhibitions and publications. In March 1997, historians, theologians and archaeologists met in Bad Säckingen at the invitation of the city for a scientific colloquium to examine the missionary work and Christianization of the Alemanni, which probably began only decades after Clovis' baptism. The concentration on the area between the High and Upper Rhine and the interdisciplinary dialogue led to new insights and results, which are presented in this volume.