Stawinoga, Gerhard

Markus Egg

Das hallstattzeitliche Fürstengrab von Strettweg bei Judenburg in der Obersteiermark

Strettweg in Upper Styria was the site of one of Austria's most important archaeological discoveries in 1851/52. The richly furnished ceremonial tomb from the Iron Age (around 600 BC) contained, among many other objects, the famous "cult chariot" - a unique masterpiece of Hallstatt-period craftsmanship.

The rich metal grave goods include weapons, horse harness and chariot parts, bronze and clay vessels - in other words, classic prestige goods of Hallstatt-period elites. Grave goods from the female costume suggest offerings to the dead. There is evidence of extensive cultural contacts with the Hallstatt cultures north of the Alps, with Upper Italy and with the ancient world.