Drauschke, Jörg

Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger (Ed.), Falko Daim (Ed.)

Der Doppeladler: Byzanz und die Seldschuken in Anatolien vom späten 11. bis zum 13. Jahrhundert

The Rum Seljuk Empire had emerged after the devastating Battle of Manzikert in 1071 in the previously Byzantine Anatolia. Until its dissolution in early 14th century it was the Byzantines’ most important neighbor on their Eastern border. The Rum Seljuk Empire combined Seljuk and Greek-Orthodox populations. Thus it was in close contact with Byzantium: Especially trade, the exchange of artists and marriages defined these relations. These social and political links as well as the ethnic and religious tolerance that shaped the coexistence of different groups in the Rum Seljuk Empire built the foundation for great art. At the same time we only know little about the Rum Seljuks and their interaction with the Byzantines so that the impression, that there had not been any cultural exchange between them, still prevails.

This conference volume presents the results of an interdisciplinary congress that took place October 1.-3, 2010 in the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. The congress intended to discard this impression and initiate a discussion about problems concerning the Byzantine-Seljuk relations.

Sabine Schrenk (Ed.), Ute Verstegen (Ed.)

Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, XXIV. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Bonn, 10.–12. Mai 2018

The contributions were written within the framework of the XXIV conference of the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie zur Erforschung spätantiker, frühmittelalterlicher und byzantinischer Kultur” (AGCA) which took place in Bonn in May 2018. Representatives from institutionally based Early Christian archaeology and Byzantine archaeology and art history in Germany, Aust   ria, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the Netherlands and Switzerland give an account on the subject’s history at their respective locations. Prominent researchers are portrayed, important national and international excavations are discussed, as well as the activities of national and international centers of research and of museums. The result is a broad overview of the history of the subject which clearly shows how multifaceted and rich in tradition Early Christian archaeology and Byzantine archaeology and art history are - a foundation for the subject’s future, for continuity as well as for changes.