

outlines is a series of books published by the Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA) with contributions in different languages. Since its inception in 2004 it has appeared at irregular intervals in partnership with various publishers. Aimed both at the scientific community and at a broader audience interested in art history, contemporary art and art theory, and designed to stimulate further discussion, outlines adopts a concise, attractive format to present themes, positions and trends in current research into the history and scientific analysis of art. Each issue provides an accessible, well-illustrated reader devoted to a particular academic theme of current relevance. Conference papers make up much of the content, but specially commissioned studies also feature. Texts are selected and edited on behalf of the Institute by Roger Fayet and Regula Krähenbühl.

Bibliographic details


Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA), Zürich / Lausanne
PD Dr. Roger Fayet, Direktor, Zürich
Marianne Wackernagel, lic. phil., Leiterin Wissenschaftsforum, Zürich

Homepage Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft (SIK-ISEA)

ISSN (Print): 2511-4298

Published so far

Roger Fayet (Ed.), Regula Krähenbühl (Ed.)

Kunst und Material. Konzepte, Prozesse, Arbeitsteilungen

Outlines, Volume 12

Media diversity, an expanded notion of the artwork and a changed understanding of creativity have shaped art since the modern era. This creates new challenges for the reception and preservation of a work as well as for the concept of authorship and the idea of authenticity. The separation of design and implementation in contemporary art also establishes a new form of art production based on the division of labour with manifold implications. The contributions in this volume show that such developments require innovative, interdisciplinary approaches at the interface of the history of technology, conservation science and art history.

Regula Krähenbühl (Ed.), Roger Fayet (Ed.)

Authentizität und Material. Konstellationen in der Kunst seit 1900

Outlines, Volume 11

Contributions to this issue centre on concepts of authenticity and their relevance to art since 1900, notably the referential concepts underlying sculpture around 1900, Piero Manzoni and contemporary art techniques. Essays on the Hamburg facsimile controversy in the late 1920s, Dieter Roth and computer-based art address the relationship between originals and reproductions. Authenticity in the sense of a specific relationship between a thing and its authorship is explored by articles on connoisseurial expertise, haptic perception of the artefact and the question of authenticity in media studies discourse.