How to Cite

Fehr, Hubert: Die Germanisierung der Frühgeschichte: Frühmittelalterliche Grabfunde in den Arbeiten von Wilhelm und Ludwig Lindenschmit, in Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Wiwjorra, Ingo and Hakelberg, Dietrich (Eds.): Archäologie und Nation: Kontexte der Erforschung „vaterländischen Alterthums“: Zur Geschichte der Archäologie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1800 bis 1860, Heidelberg:, 2021, p. 202–214.

Identifiers (Book)

ISBN 978-3-948466-84-8 (PDF)




Hubert Fehr

Die Germanisierung der Frühgeschichte

Frühmittelalterliche Grabfunde in den Arbeiten von Wilhelm und Ludwig Lindenschmit

The Germanicization of Protohistory: Finds from Early Medieval Graves in the Works of Wilhelm and Ludwig Lindenschmit

To this day, the brothers Wilhelm and Ludwig Lindenschmit are considered pioneers of early medieval archaeology. In particular, their monograph on the cemetery at Selzen in Rheinhessen, published in 1848, is seen as a milestone in this area of archaeological research. It did, indeed, set standards in terms of chronology and as a model publication of a cemetery. However, the historical and ethnic interpretation of the finds, long considered exemplary too, is problematic. Closer examination reveals that it was based on three principal arguments: a racial-anthropological interpretation of the skeletal finds; the thesis that distinctly national styles exist in art; and a Germano-centric interpretation of written sources.