How to Cite

Oy-Marra, Elisabeth and Kaul-Trivolis, Annkatrin (Eds.): Ordnen – Vergleichen – Erzählen: Materialität, kennerschaftliche Praxis und Wissensvermittlung in Klebebänden des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Heidelberg:, 2024.


ISBN 978-3-948466-00-8 (PDF)


The printed publication was published in 2024 by ad picturam Fachverlag für kunstwissenschaftliche Literatur e. K. ISBN: 978-3-942919-12-8


Elisabeth Oy-Marra (Ed.), Annkatrin Kaul-Trivolis (Ed.)

Ordnen – Vergleichen – Erzählen

Materialität, kennerschaftliche Praxis und Wissensvermittlung in Klebebänden des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts

At the beginning of the culture of collecting paper media, drawings were primarily kept in so-called adhesive volumes. Today, the surviving or reconstructable adhesive volumes are invaluable for the genesis of connoisseurial knowledge, as they bear witness to early modern collecting culture and its organisational systems. Organised according to artists, genres and schools, they provide insights into collection structures and historical concepts, which are illustrated by a deliberate selection of drawings and prints. The pages also lend themselves to juxtapositions and comparisons.
The essays collected in this volume examine the materiality, functions and potentials of this early modern medium for generating and communicating knowledge. They are based on the lectures presented at the conference Ordnen - Vergleichen - Erzählen. Die Materialität von Klebebänden und ihre Funktionen in der Frühen Neuzeit from 31 January to 1 February 2020 at the Graphische Sammlung Schloss Wilhelmshöhe (Hessen Kassel Heritage) as part of the DFG-funded research project Die Materialität der Wissensordnungen und die Episteme der Zeichnung. The Drawing Albums of Sebastiano Resta.
