Zepf, Markus

Claudia Selheim (Ed.), G. Ulrich Großmann (Ed.), Barbara Stambolis (Ed.)

Aufbruch der Jugend: Deutsche Jugendbewegung zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Verführung

Accompanying the exhibition of the same title ("Aufbruch der Jugend - Deutsche Jugendbewegung zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Verführung") in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum from 26 September 2013 until 19 January 2014.
In the time around 1900, “youth” was synonymous with awakening and renewal, future and visions. Young middle-class people were challenging their elders. Many of the aims of these young people were met by the demands of the Lebensreform movement. Many young people joined organisations like “Wandervogel”, joint activities strengthening a sense of belonging.
In 35 critical essays and illustrated by 280 objects this volume depicts the youth movement from its beginnings, its political ideologisation, until the FRG’s first open-air festival in Schloss Waldeck in 1964.

Dominik von Roth (Ed.), Linda Escherich (Ed.)

Private Passion – Public Challenge: Musikinstrumente sammeln in Geschichte und Gegenwart

Whereas the enthusiasm of private individuals for collecting musical instruments remains undiminished, public museums are too often restricted in their desire to augment their collections by lack of storage space and money.
When the Rück Collection was sold to the Germanisches Nationalmuseum at the beginning of the 1960s, it was the last sizeable collection of musical instruments within Germany to pass from private to public ownership. In keeping with Rück’s example, private collecting of musical instruments forms the central theme of the conference, with contributions on historical and contemporary collections from all over Europe. In addition such topics as the function of musicology and related themes, such as the display of public collections are being addressed and complemented by the experiences of private collectors. Positions from the fields of literary studies, cultural management, transcultural music studies, and art history provide cross-disciplinary correctives and complete the conference proceedings.