Williams, Hannah

Markus A. Castor (Ed.), Martin Schieder (Ed.), Wiebke Windorf (Ed.)

Entre croyance aux miracle et iconoclasme: L’espace sacré en France au XVIIIe siècle

Passages online, Volume 18

This conference volume examines the evidence, religious experiences and aesthetic transformations of sacred space in the Age of Enlightenment from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective. To what extent should we understand the church in the 18th century not only as a sacred space, but also as a place that attracts believers and tourists, clergy and artists, nobles and citizens, men and women alike, and at the same time has a social, aesthetic and emotional dimension? How can we explain the fundamental secularisation and the dissolution of boundaries that affected the sacred space between the death of Louis XIV and the French Revolution? How is the question of the credibility of transcendence dealt with in the age of the emerging natural sciences, encyclopaedias and the progress of knowledge in art? Against the background of the confrontation between criticism of the church and absolutism, atheism, demystification of the religious and plausible reactualisation of the spiritual, (syn)aesthetic concepts of sacred spaces are of particular relevance. Not only integrated into art-theoretical discourses, they are a tangible expression of the continuous readjustment of Enlightenment society.

Thomas Kirchner (Ed.), Sophie Raux (Ed.), Marlen Schneider (Ed.)

L'art de l’Ancien Régime: Sortir du rang !

Passages online, Volume 15

The history of art in the Ancien Régime has mainly focused on the major players, the "Fine Arts", the best documented institutions, Paris, other capitals and the courts. This book invites us to go beyond this "top-down" history, by bringing together the analytical frameworks of art history with approaches from social history, anthropology, material and visual culture, the history of science and technology, the sociology of networks, and gender studies. Revisiting historiographical frameworks, challenging academic canons and norms, questioning the margins, decentering the gaze, in a word "stepping out of line" - this is the methodological and thematic thread. Deployed around a wide range of media, genres, and objects, the eighteen contributions gathered in this volume seek to grasp the visual and material culture of the period in all its richness and complexity.

L’histoire de l’art de l’Ancien Régime s’est principalement focalisée sur les grands acteurs, les « beaux-arts », les institutions les mieux documentées, Paris, d’autres capitales et les cours. Le présent ouvrage invite à dépasser cette histoire « par le haut », en faisant dialoguer les cadres analytiques de l’histoire de l’art avec les approches de l’histoire sociale, de l’anthropologie, de la culture matérielle et visuelle, de l’histoire des sciences et des techniques, de la sociologie des réseaux et des études de genre. Revisiter les cadres historiographiques, défier les canons et les normes académiques, interroger les marges, décentrer le regard, en un mot « sortir du rang » – tel en est le fil conducteur méthodologique et thématique. Déployées autour d’un large éventail de médias, de genres, d’objets, les dix-huit contributions réunies dans ce volume s’attachent à saisir la culture visuelle et matérielle de l’époque dans sa richesse et sa complexité.