Haak, Christina

Christina Haak (Ed.), Miguel Helfrich (Ed.)

Casting. A way to embrace the digital age in analogue fashion? A symposium on the Gipsformerei of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin


The Gipsformerei, the oldest establishment of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin still active today, will be celebrating its 200th anniversary in a few years time. The Gipsformerei’s forthcoming anniversary is a welcome opportunity for us to address the following question: How can an institution whose core activity lies in traditional handcrafted production hold its own in the face of technical innovation? The publication addresses that question and adds an interesting cross-section on the current research debate. Besides all the papers presented at the symposium the panel discussion and the final discussion are summarized in English and German at the end of the production.
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2. revised edition: https://doi.org/10.11588/arthistoricum.536

Miguel Helfrich (Ed.), Christina Haak (Ed.)

Casting. A way to embrace the digital age in analogue fashion? A symposium on the Gipsformerei of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin

2. revised edition

The Gipsformerei, the oldest establishment of the Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin still active today, will be celebrating its 200th anniversary in a few years time. The Gipsformerei’s forthcoming anniversary is a welcome opportunity for us to address the following question: How can an institution whose core activity lies in traditional handcrafted production hold its own in the face of technical innovation? The publication addresses that question and adds an interesting cross-section on the current research debate. Besides all the papers presented at the symposium the panel discussion and the final discussion are summarized in English and German at the end of the production.

Laura Puritani (Ed.), Martin Maischberger (Ed.), Birgit Sporleder (Ed.)

Konstantinopel – Samos – Berlin: Verpfändung, Fundteilung und heimliche Ausfuhr von Antiken am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges

The years before World War I were marked by political upheaval and uncertainty in the eastern Mediterranean. 1910–1914 excavations of the Royal Prussian Museums in Berlin took place on the island of Samos. Numerous finds from the excavation reached Berlin, only a part of them by way of the official division of finds. In 1913–1914 Germany also negotiated with the Sublime Porte about the pledging of antiquities from the Archaeological Museum of Constantinople/Istanbul with the aim of permanent possession by the Berlin museums. The articles presented in this volume shed light on the intensive entanglement between politics, business, science and culture in the late phase of the German Reich.