Busch, Werner
Von analogen und digitalen Zugängen zur Kunst: Festschrift für Hubertus Kohle zum 60. Geburtstag
Hubertus Kohle is an art historian and professor who has made a name for himself in Germany especially with his research on the art of the European Enlightenment and the nineteenth century. He opened up his discipline early on to digital processes and concepts and has been committed to electronic publishing in Open Access for years. As one of the two directors of the renowned DFG Priority Programme "The Digital Image", he is currently also working on a multidisciplinary approach to the subject of the digital. On the occasion of his 60th birthday, he was honoured by numerous friends and academic companions with this commemorative publication, the content of which ties in with the focal points of his work - from the analogue beginnings dedicated to the art of the Age of Enlightenment to the current field of "digital art history". This commemorative volume is understood as an experimental online publication that was presented first to the birthday celebrant in a purely virtual version and is now also available as e-book.
Imitatio – Aemulatio – Superatio: Bildpolitiken in transkultureller Perspektive. Thomas Kirchner zum 65. Geburtstag
Aemulative Handlungen wirken sich oft progressiv aus, sei es durch innovative Adaption, Modulation oder Perfektion von bereits Vorhandenem, aber auch durch ironische Brechung mit traditionellen Sehgewohnheiten. Diese Prozesse, durch die kulturelle, soziale und mediale Gegebenheiten sowohl in der Produktion als auch in der Rezeption von Kunst neu verhandelt werden, bilden den thematischen Schwerpunkt des Bandes. Vorgestellt wird eine epochen- und kulturraumübergreifende Perspektive auf den fortwährenden Bedeutungswandel visueller Zeichen und künstlerischer Verfahren. Die in den Fallstudien untersuchte Konfrontation verschiedener historischer, kultureller und ästhetischer Kontexte vermag es, den Kunstdiskurs zu dynamisieren, neue Sichtweisen zu eröffnen, und die anhaltende gesellschaftliche Brisanz von aktueller Kunst und Werken vergangener Epochen deutlich zu machen.
Die Thomas Kirchner gewidmete Festschrift wird von Ulrike Kern (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Kunstgeschichtlichen Institut der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) und Marlen Schneider (Maître de Conférences an der Université Grenoble Alpes/LARHRA) herausgegeben.
Con bella maniera: Festgabe für Peter Seiler zum 65. Geburtstag
Con bella maniera... under this motto the authors of the present volume pay tribute to the art historian Peter Seiler. Their contributions not only reflect the scholar's cross-genre and cross-epoch research interests and interdisciplinary approach, but also bear witness to friendships that have survived from all phases of his academic vita - from his student days in Heidelberg to his formative time as a fellow at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome and his career at the art history institutes of Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as research assistant, associate professor, head of the Census and adjunct professor. His bella maniera transcends the art historical terminus technicus and combines the „time-honoured learnable practices“ of art history with innovative research approaches and the delicate nature of human interaction.