Bodenaltertümer Westfalens

Bodenaltertümer Westfalens

„Bodenaltertümer Westfalens“ (BAW) is the LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen's longest running publication series: its first volume was published in 1929. The first editions were published in close collaboration with the Altertumskommission für Westfalen in a journal called „Westfalen. Hefte für Geschichte, Kunst und Volkskunde“. Starting with volume 6 BAW has been an independent series since 1943.

The research results of the Westphalian Departement of Archaeology – dealing with single excavations as well as general questions – are published as monographs or collections of essays, covering the periods from the Paleolithic until the Early Middle Ages. The authors are the archaeologists of the LWL, Westphalian urban archeology institutes, universities and excavation companies.

The series is published irregularly and the print version is sold on a commission basis by the Philipp von Zabern publishing house (WBG). Remaining stock of several volumes is available online via Beier & Beran.

Future volumes will be published in print and will be made available on this platform in Open Access simultaneously. In the meanwhile older volumes will be digitized and – once the rights of use are granted – gradually released online.

Bibliographic details


LWL-Archäologie für Westfalen
An den Speichern 7
48157 Münster


ISSN (online): 2941-9883

Published so far

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