How to Cite

Reinhardt, Arne (Ed.): Strictly Economic? Ancient Serial Production and its Premises: Panel 3.18, Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2021 (Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Volume 20).


ISBN 978-3-948465-67-4 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948465-68-1 (Softcover)




Arne Reinhardt (Ed.)

Strictly Economic? Ancient Serial Production and its Premises

Panel 3.18

The complex subject of production and consumption in antiquity has been attracting growing interest in Classical Archaeology for some time. Research with an economic perspective, such as the investigation of the dynamics of the production of objects or ornaments in Antiquity, has opened up new insights into Greco-Roman culture. Against this background, the present volume focuses on a particular method of production: serial production. On the basis of close-up observations of the finds, the authors of the volume illuminate the broad spectrum of ancient serial production in Greece and Rome in exemplary fashion; the examples deal with a range from (late) Classical ceramics with painted decoration to mechanically reproduced coins and relief tableware to luxurious marble urns. The aim is first describing individual series and defining them and subsequently using this information to interpret the respective conditions that led to the series. This process demonstrates that  the phenomenon of serial production (and seriality more generally) consistently transcends  economic aspects and seamlessly leads over into other areas of ancient cultural history and its research.

Arne Reinhardt is assistant professor at the Institute for Classical Archaeology and Byzantine Archaeology at the University of Heidelberg.


Table of Contents
Martin Bentz, Michael Heinzelmann
Simona Perna
Julio-Claudian "Tureen" Funerary Urns in Calcitic Alabaster and Other Coloured Stone
Manuel Flecker
Die Werkstatt des M. Perennius und die Entwicklung von serieller Produktion reliefverzierter Arretinischer Sigillata
Sabine Patzke, Elisabeth Günther
Serial Production of the Paestan Workshop of Asteas and Python and Etruscan ceramica sovraddipinta
